View Full Version : heart attack in teenagers?

08-09-11, 16:17
Okay, this will probably be short, but I am worried so ...
For about half an hour I have had a pain in my chest. It was on my upper left side, and now although it's lessened it's sort of more towards the middle. My thoughts immediately went to a heart attack, so now I can feel sort of an odd sensation in my left arm and when I breather deeply I feel like my lungs aren't full... do you think it's brought on by anxiety, or could I actually be having a heart attack? I'm 15, not overweight, do exercise regularly, don't smoke drink etc., so I am in good health, but it's still possible right? Should I get it checked out or is it anxiety? Thanks

08-09-11, 16:30
Not a heart attack. Calm down

08-09-11, 17:52
Not a heart attack. Calm down

Telling someone with anxiety to "calm down" is rather insulting, if we could calm down then we would not have anxiety.

08-09-11, 17:54
More than likely it's from tension or possibly indigestion.

08-09-11, 18:35
Doesn't sound like a heart attack to me - could be muscular or indigestion