View Full Version : I'm offline at the moment

08-09-11, 17:10
I'm offline at the moment and using my sons computer. AOL has finally given up on me and I need to buy a new computer. I will check in from time to time but am unable to answer any pm's. Thanks guys, normal service will be restored as soon as possible EJ

08-09-11, 18:34
What's wrong with the computer EJ? It won't be AOL as such that is causing it. Or do you mean the internet wireless/router thing lol

Maybe you could get it fixed.

10-09-11, 14:15
We have problems with the dial up plus N and D now have virginmedia. The computer I was using is old and has had most of its memory used up slowing everything down. I have been out and bought a new computer so normal service will be restored very soon. EJ.

10-09-11, 14:33
Oh cool.

I was going to say that maybe it just need defragmenting but if you have a new one then happy days.

10-09-11, 21:02
Well perhaps I'm just being greedy. I have used N's computer but it was very slow and he used all the memory up downloading iTunes I'm not computer literate so we shall have to see how it goes. I will eventually have a new email address. EJ.

Hazel B
10-09-11, 21:37
Hi EJ. My laptop is over 4 years old and I had to get more RAM put in. It cost me about £25 and it now runs much faster. I know in IT terms it's ancient but it seems bonkers to have to buy a new one every 2 years.:)

Nic - have you thought of setting up a local IT consultancy? I''m thinking helping people get online, defragging etc. You could do it locally from home and see if hyou can build up a client base? Just a thought; you're so good at helping people and have an IT history.

10-09-11, 22:23
Thanks Hazel. I am not that good at mending them - I just know the basics about PC's lol.

11-09-11, 08:33
our computer was thirteen years old lol EJ