View Full Version : help my eyes please please help

08-09-11, 17:23
right this is so diffiucult to explain so just bare with me!
last week i had a problem with my right eye, it was going blurred and flasing whitel circle light etc, i was at the doctors when this happend (bawling my eyes out in fear) and they said it sounded like a migraine, fair enough
but ever since its happened ive been so aware of my eyes, my left one feels 'strange' like its going blind but i can stilll see, that makes no sence but its the only way i can describe it
i fear i have brain tumour, or im just scared what happened last time happens agin as it terrifeied me so much
got to the point i couldnt leave my house today?
anyone else ever had issues witht their eyes? xx

08-09-11, 17:24
its making me have panic attacks im so worroed about it, i just feel 'weird'

08-09-11, 17:38
Hi June.

Increased anxiety and stress can bring on migraines. What you're experiencing is perfectly normal. I get migraines too (although I haven't had a one for 11 months) and in Summer 2008 which was a very anxious time for me I averaged 1 a week, it was horrendous.

I get a blind spot in my vision before a migraine so started worrying about my eyes too, there is nothing wrong with your sight and its just your brain toying with you haha.

If you want your mind put at rest then I recommend you make an appointment with an optician, they can rule out things like brain tumours from just looking in your eyes and this would help put your mind at rest. :)

Take care. x

08-09-11, 17:47
thanks rhys
i forgot to mention i have made an appt with my optiotion for sunday
how can they detect brain tumors? xx

08-09-11, 19:19
You would need a MRI to detect it. Though doctors can do neuro tests like checking reflexes and responses to give them a idea also they can shine a light in your eyes to look and see if there is any pressure behind your eyes.

08-09-11, 20:27
If you have anxiety, the increased adrenaline makes you see flashes and lights floating, trust me! Look at my past posts, my eyes are the worst symptom of my anxiety! X

08-09-11, 21:39
An optician can detect pressure on the optic nerve that comes direct from your brain to your eyes and if there is any increased pressure in the brain then this will show up on an eye test. When the poster said an optician can detect a brain tumour this was not strictly true but the above is what they meant so an optician would recognise the signs of something amiss in your brain and tell your Dr so you could have further tests as in mri of brain. Opticians can also detect the changes caused by high blood pressure and diabetes amongst other things so eye test is a very good health check.

Silent migraines give visual disturbances but no headache. I have had a few over the years and they are scary but harmless.

09-09-11, 02:36
The most common cause for the symptom being described is an ocular migraine, which is simply the presence of a scintillating scotoma, or visual aura, in the absence of the subsequent characteristic migraine headache or discomfort. Stress and anxiety are present in nearly all instances. Many patients describe the aura as having a fractured glass appearance with colors similar to that observed in a kaleidoscope. The aura typically originates in the peripheral vision and first detected as a burring effect, which slowly develops into an arc of visual disturbance and slowly crosses the greater or central field of vision before dissipating in about 20 to 30 minutes, rarely a bit longer.

There is nothing to suggest that your symptoms are the result of any type of underlying pathology, so you should try to relax. The events occur randomly and more frequent upon original onset, gradually dissipating over time.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

15-09-11, 02:28
I have just taken an interest in this post. As you are aware of my episodes of recent attacks, it is expected that i am searching for others who can share my pain! I noticed you mentioned and quote, "The events occur randomly and more frequent upon original onset, gradually dissipating over time." What exactly does this mean? I understand it as meaning that when they are new they will happen more frequently for some time but after a while they will slow down in frequency?? Is this right?

June, i have been experiencing visual migraines since January this year. They are new to me and the frequency has been every three months. However, i have just had another today being only one month since my last! Just when i thought i had it worked out! I did have a great deal of stress yesterday and was worried it may happen, however, i am generally always stressed and have had the migraines also during times of calm, so i can't quite get the relationship there?? I have had a CT scan and a thorough eye examination and have been assured all is well but to me, these things are so horriffic that i can't understand how they are harmless and why all of a sudden and why so frequent :shrug: I really need to know what has changed in my brain for this to be happening.

I wish you well :)

Kelley x

15-09-11, 09:35
right this is so diffiucult to explain so just bare with me!
last week i had a problem with my right eye, it was going blurred and flasing whitel circle light etc, i was at the doctors when this happend (bawling my eyes out in fear) and they said it sounded like a migraine, fair enough
but ever since its happened ive been so aware of my eyes, my left one feels 'strange' like its going blind but i can stilll see, that makes no sence but its the only way i can describe it
i fear i have brain tumour, or im just scared what happened last time happens agin as it terrifeied me so much
got to the point i couldnt leave my house today?
anyone else ever had issues witht their eyes? xx

This was me before I started on propranolol. Everything in my left eye seemed different. Really hard to explain but it was like my left eye was more aware of everything I could see. I had an ocular migraine 12 months ago and it was in the same eye so perhaps this one is more sensitive. It doesn't happen so often now. I guess the adrenaline was contributing to it.

Hope you got on okay at the opticians. Try to relax. Anxiety causes so much grief!!

:) x