View Full Version : sick of other people making me anxious

08-09-11, 18:31
I am so sick and tired of other peoples attitude towards me. I am beginninmeg to think I have the word MUG tattooed on my forehead. I met a girlfriend today for lunch after doing the grocery shopping and rushed home to see if hubby wanted to go out.

He was in a mood and started moaning about me going out with my friend and being really nasty. I know he feels insecure but I only was away for 2 hours and he knows my friend. He hasn't spoken to me all day only to make nasty remarks.

Now I am waiting for his witch of a mother to tell me it's my fault and I should be spending more time with him.

I managed to use my frustration to clean the house, but I can feel the anxiety kicking in the long he carries on in his mood.

08-09-11, 19:08
I know the feeling.
But you can only change your self not other people but never change for anyone else except your self.
Only do what makes you happy and just avoid people who upset you.
I really know what it's like to do what makes you happy knowing some people are going to try and tear you down x

08-09-11, 19:12
Thanx for the reply mishel. I try and do what's right by everyone and spread myself thin in the process. Hubby suffers from depression and isn't working. I work, look after my mum, do all the shopping, cleaning, cooking and housework.

And when I want some time to myself he tries to make me feel bad. I started running to help with my stress and he was nasty about that too, then his mother said I looked terrible because I lost weight. ( everyone else said I looked great )

08-09-11, 20:24
Sounds like him and his mother are very threatened by you. Do you love him? Life is too short to spend it like this, you deserve to be free and happy and see your friends and not be made to feel guilty for it.

08-09-11, 20:30
His mother loves to try and knock my confidence and it doesn't take much as my self esteem is low. He wants to control me and have me running after him. I do love him but as I become more confident and outgoing he tries to make me feel guilty.