View Full Version : Hello NMP'ers. I need your help!

08-09-11, 20:20
I have asked Nic for her approval before posting this :)
Hello everyone.
I hope you are all keeping well. My life has moved on so much since I had my 3rd breakdown in Jan 2010. I can't believe how far I have come. In June this year I started decorating cakes and found such a love for it that it's really lifted my life. I was actually worried I was heading for another relapse, but this has really helped to stop me thinking about it.
I'm posting this to ask for your help to get some funding for my business. This is my way of working without having the stress of having to work for someone else.
If you could find a few minutes to go to this link
Click the "Vote for me" button, sign up, and then go back to the page and select vote for me again. Make sure to check if the numbers have gone up because it's not the best system.
I need 400 votes and if I hit that I will receive £400, which is a monumental amount of money!

It would mean the world to me if you could help. :flowers:
Thank you

09-09-11, 09:35
Done Vicky.Best of luck.

09-09-11, 11:41
Hi Vicky.
I've been trying to go to the website but it won't load!
I'll try later ;)
Good luck!

Hazel B
09-09-11, 18:53
Done, hope it goes well.

11-09-11, 19:56
Thank you guys. Means a lot :)