View Full Version : Having a hard time with anxiety

08-09-11, 21:23
Hi guys, this is my first post to any forum regarding my anxiety problems but I have been reading for a while. However, I've now reached a point where I think writing down what I'm feeling might help me deal - I'll give it a go and would appreciate any help or guidance.

I'm currently a 19 year old student and I've always known I've had some sort of mild underlying anxiety. However, sine earlier this year I feel like it's escalated beyond my control and I've reached the point where I need help.

It seems to manifests itself in typical ways - I get the trembling, head pains, fast heart, lump in throat and pretty much all of the symptoms you expect. I think the main thing that set it off was when my asthma got worse earlier this summer, I panicked constantly about not being able to breathe and even though that has now been resolved it's like all the anxiety that came with it has stuck around. Most of it I can deal with but the worst thing I'm experiencing at the moment is the strange sensations all through my head, like a tingling, burning, crawling sensation which makes me feel like I'm losing my mind. This is what scares me the most and it's been particulary bad tonight. Also for the first time today I've been expericing head 'shocks' and trouble being able to fall asleep; it's as though just when I'm about to drift off I get shocked into being awake and it terrifies me - this then leads to more panic about me never being able to sleep again.

I don't know what causes my states of anxiety, some days I'm fine, some days I'm not but thankfully I'm in a very happy and supportive relationship which is keeping me going. I just wish I knew how to get some help, I've made a doctors appointment for later in the week but I know tht's not the ultimate resolution. I'm looking for anything that doesn't leave me on pill-form medication. Unfortunately alongside my anxiety problems I also have a terrible phobia of taking pills and I know I wouldn't be able to swallow them if they were prescribed.

My heart goes out to anyone who struggles with anxiety.
Any help or advice would be very much appreciated.
Thank you xx

08-09-11, 22:01
You've already come a long way realising you are anxious etc! Medication can help I take it! But if you don't want that then speak to your doctor and demand CBT (Cognitive behavioral therapy). It helps you sort out your thoughts about what's going on in your life. I found it really really helpful!

08-09-11, 22:05

I feel for you because I am only 21 and I feel like we should be out living instead of dealing with this shit! If anyone had told me 1 year ago how bad anxiety was I would never have believed them. Wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy!! I feel like I have always been a 'worrier' aswell but it never affected my life. I had a traumatic experience in March when my younger sister died and everything went downhill from there! For me it started with panic attacks and quickly led to depression. The tingling/crawling feeling in your head will most likely be caused by tension. Mine felt like there was loads of beasties crawling up the back of my neck/head. Try rolling your shoulders, its amazing how tense your shoulders get when your anxious. And roll your neck round in a circle aswell really releases tension!!

The shocks and zaps are horrible aswell! I also get them and get like a whoosh right in the middle of my chest! I am on Citalopram 20mg at the moment and now in week 3 and finally feel like im beginning to get a handle on things. The technique that seems to be helping me is letting all these symptoms happen...and just accepting them telling myself over and over it is only anxiety it cant hurt you it is simply a symptom of how your feeling. I still occasionally panic if I get the chest pains as it is so hard for me to believe that this is caused by anxiety but I just tell myself if it is not away in 10 mins then I will get help!

Sorry If I have went on a bit!! xxx