View Full Version : Citalopram and craving junk food!!

08-09-11, 21:38
Hi guys!!

Before my most recent bout of anxiety I was very much into my food. I have the perfect BMI and weight but loved a big meal and had a very varied diet and 6 nights out of 7 we would have a home cooked meal. When this bout of anxiety came on I lost my appetite completely and would eat a mid morning snack and that would be me all day! Now into week 3 of Citalopram and I am constantly craving junk! I have NEVER had a sweet tooth but I have been eating cakes/sweets/chocolate! Have been eating Pizza, mcdonalds etc! Its not like me but I am grazing on junk throughout the day and have no notion for any homecooked hearty proper meals!! Has anyone else found this to be a side effect? I am definetly going to have to force myself back into a routine I think!! x

09-09-11, 08:26
Not so much with junk food as I've always had a sweet tooth, but before going on Cit I had no appetite, and lost nearly 2 stone, but once it started working my appetite did come back and I put 3 stone back on.

I think junk food is comforting anyway, so wanting it is probably just part of cheering yourself up, so as long as you moderate it I wouldnt worry too much

09-09-11, 08:40
I get like that some days and Ive never been one for eating chocolate. Some days I have no appetite and other days I could stuff my face the whole day with junk lol