View Full Version : Super stressed :(

08-09-11, 21:44
So can't believe that i'm sat here getting all worked up over my HA!! I hate it. Can someone relate to this.

I have been getting on/off tense muscles in neck and shoulders, that seem to radiate upwards over the head, and make my feel pretty damn crap!!! Symptoms:

Muscles in neck and shoulders ache and feel tense.
A feeling of spaced out, not lightheaded or dizzy, just not really on this planet! (This sensation comes and goes and is worse when I feel paniciky)
I get at times a throbbing sensation in my neck, probably coming from my muscles.

I keep thinking i've got a brain tumor, and keep freaking out!! What is wrong with me?

08-09-11, 21:55
I get that feeling alot. Always say i feel like im not here or walking on cotton wool. My shoulders hurt if i touch them so know its tension. Also have to make an effort to make sure my shoulders are not up by ears if that makes sense. I get terrible one sided headaches but not classic migrane so convince myself its a tumour. But then if i really make myself think i can sometimes justify its tension and,anxiety. Others times i am in such a panic about it i cant think straight or cant think of anything else. So yes i know how you feel x

08-09-11, 22:27
Thanks daisydoo, yeah I hurt between my shoulder blades and the bone seems to hurt on top of the shoulder more so on the left side than right, I seem to have areas that are more painful than others but my muscles are tensed! all up my neck hurts, well if i apply slight pressure it does! underneath at the base of the skull also feels tense! its the spaced out feeling that goes with it all that worries me as i'm not sure its all connected, but I guess it must be. Hence why i'm freaking out about brain tumors!!! its an awful feeling :(

I'm going through quite a stressful time at the moment anyway, well to be honest the last few months have been a rollercoaster of emotions, life anxieties mainly but they have all triggered my HA off badly!

I also catch myself with my shoulders up by my ears too, i'm permanently hunced!!

08-09-11, 22:39
I think the spaced out feeling is anxiety as mine is defo worse the more anxious i get. I can feel like im going to pass out then completely lose the plot. After i get my spacey feelings days. Its a daze. I do remember saying before my anxiety kicked in i feel like im not here but never thought anything about it then as wasnt anxious about my health. So i do know its normal but now over analysis everything. Been like this is hard work and exhausting that along with the stressful time you are having will make you feel rubbish:hugs:

08-09-11, 22:46
Yeah thanks :) its good to know i'm not alone and others are going through similar symptoms, its hard to balance it all out, and i'm working full time as well, its a struggle!

I just wish that feeling would go away, and I know it wont unless I relax and stop worrying! I have been told in the past that neck problems can cause dizziness or a lightheadeded sensation, so its difficult to know why I feel like I do, if its just anxiety making me feel spaced out or the neck problem or a combination of the two!!