View Full Version : BACK AGAIN

15-05-06, 14:01
I thought things were looking on the up for me but ive had my bad days again, i wqent clubbing on fri night and danced the whole night in big crowds for getting my chlostrophobia and the lights shining on me and again i didnt care, i felt proud sat of doing it and thought finally thise tablets are working wonders, then yesterday all day i had this head ache like everytime u walk u can feel the pounding in your head (anyone understand) i know thta if i was seriously ill i wouldnt have my good days or be able to go out drinking and having fun but why do i get so hot flushed and weasy when i walk like i need to catch my breathe and feel faint alot its a scary feeling but ca this just be anxiety? i start a n ew job on weds too and im scared i will colappse and somethin terible will happen to me again are THESE JUST THOUGHTS. any feedback welcome

15-05-06, 14:40
Hey you,

Its been a while!
I am having a bad patch too.
My head pains are back, but it is just stress and axiety and the same with you also. Do you not think your pounding head on Sat was a hangover?

You will be fine on Weds. What new job have you got then?

Good Luck and Hugs

Hay x

15-05-06, 15:32
Hi Katy - in the distant past when I use to go out drinking it was always the day after the day after that I felt worse - not sure why! So possibly your Sunday headache was because of your Friday night out.
Good luck for Wednesday
Love Helen

15-05-06, 17:27
Aw hunni. Sorry to hear that you are feeling like that. Just try and think its just a thought and you are being paranoid, you won't collapse and if you are worried about it then why don't you talk to your boss? Hope this helps.

x x

15-05-06, 20:29
hi sounds to me like a bloody good night out and the poo feeling that comes after...dont let it bring you down..well done for getting out there and having a good time xxxx

jools xx

15-05-06, 20:35
yeah just sounds like stress to me. It's very good at fooling us isn't it? Just remember that (a) you had a grand night out so there is bound to be a bit of hangover and (b) you did something you find difficult so it will have stressed you out, what you experienced was probably the after effect of that. I know if I do something scary for a couple of days I have 'residual stress' after it. It takes a while to wear off.

Keep smilin'

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

15-05-06, 22:07

It's frustrating isn't it but I agree with MrMonkey that residual stress often comes on to bight us when we have achieved something positive - I am learning now not to let it put me off - I suspect as I keep going it will get less and less...

It was worth it for a good night out eh?!!!!

Good luck with the new job too x

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!