View Full Version : What do you use to help with panic attacks/anxiety

08-09-11, 22:54
Just wondering what everyone uses to help them with panic attacks and anxiety. I dont want to go on anti depressents as I get too many side effects so would love something thats natural. I usually use bach rescue whne am having an attack but sometimes it doesnt work so is there anything else that might help ? Thanks very much , P x

08-09-11, 23:19
Omega 3 , vitamins , probiotics,
Lavender oil , Bager Sleep Balm,
Cool water :)
My iPod, music can really help , as can playing games for distraction.
CBT therapy can be good too.

09-09-11, 11:53
Thank you hun, only everused the lavendar, I must get some more as I remember it being a great help xx

09-09-11, 11:56
Personally i find pacing myself enormously helpful because if i rush around overdoing things and pushing myself this can bring on a panic attack.I do have fibromyalgia and i have to manage this by keeping as calm as i can and really planning my day so i dont get overwhelmed.
I've found learning meditation and relaxation helps as well.Distraction defo helps too.But i still havent managed to get rid of them completely.I seem to get a bad one every few months,like its a build up of stress which needs releasing.When i'm actually have one i have to talk to somebody,its the only way i can get through it.Have rang samaritans as they are non judemental and dont overload u with their own problems which i just can't cope with when in a full panic.I dont like anyone i know seeing me having a panic as i feel acutely embarrassed as i'm usually such a coping type person.
Oh another one is to cut out caffeine,its a big no no for anxious people.
Ali xxx

09-09-11, 12:03
Thank you for your advice. I seem to be the same as you hun, I get a build up of stress which leads to panic attacks, hadnt had them for months then I went through a stressful time and started having them again. I mainly get them of a night when everyones asleep which is good and bad as I dont want my 3 children seeing me have them but I dont like waking my hubby either so I tend to try and cope on my own. Never thought of the samaritans. I have just started to cut out caffeine too so I use de caff now and I have also bought calomile tea to see if that helps. Thanks very much again xxx