View Full Version : How to get rid of fatigue and tiredness?

09-09-11, 02:54
I don’t feel like I’m anxious at the moment. But every day I feel soooo fatigued. I get to work and first couple of hours everything is ok but then I just want to sleep and everything turns yellow and slightly unreal (I’ve read about derealisation though and I don’t think it’s that). I sleep at least 8 hours a day and I still do stuff every day like go to the gym or evening classes or meeting with friends…I don’t feel like I’m depressed cos I enjoy my life in general, I’m just concerned about this fatigue. I’ve just came from hols and didn’t experience it there but back to work and after couple of days it started again… I’m not stressed at work in fact it’s kind of slow at the moment… Could it be the aftermath of my anxiety couple of months ago? How do I get rid of this state? Everyuthing seems kind of in yellow colours if it makes sense…

09-09-11, 03:17

You really shouldn't make duplicate posts, it just confuses people.

First make sure your diet is good, maybe go to the doctor for some blood work and to check your iron levels, anxiety in general makes you tired.
You can still go to the gym so it seems you have enough energy if you can do that, but i guess what you mean is you have much less energy than usual?
It could SAD as winter is coming in and there is less sunlight, you can buy light boxes that may help if you do have it.

09-09-11, 03:30
Hi, thanks a lot, i double posted cos realised it would get more replies on the symptoms forum... I'll try the light box. When i say "gym" i mean "yoga":) so it's really not that much of an excercise... thanks for your reply!