View Full Version : Interview HELP !!

09-09-11, 10:42
I have an Interview next week :ohmy:

First one in about 8 years !!

I've been out of work for nearly a year on the Roller Coaster ...

Any tips on how to remain calm would be appreciated.

Under normal cicumstances I would "Walk" this, BUT ....

I have Diazepam (only 2mg) which worked well during the early days of Cit and really helped with the Side Effects ... But I don't really want to take any additional meds on top of the Cit ....

Thanks in advance, Pot Noodle.

10-09-11, 21:53
First of all, well done for getting an interview :)
Secondly, remind yourself that anyoen would be nervous in that situation. I sometimes worry about being worried (if that makes sense) so allow yourself to be a bit nervous.

Have you got any rescue remedy? I've found that can help.

Make sure you're well prepared as that'll also help to calm you.

Something I've heard that helps is to wear an elastic band around your wrist and if you're getting panicky then ping it - the short sharp pain is meant to sort of bring you back to reality. Also, I find I fiddle with things when I'm nervous, so if your hands are under the table you can fiddle with that and it might help.

You could take a bottle of water and have sips before you go in, stop your mouth going dry.

I don't know what type of anxiety you have and what worries you, so sorry if none of the above is helpful!

11-09-11, 00:22
Preparation is the key!
Research the company and products/duties expected of you.
Dress smart is a must.
Put photocopies of all certificates and qualifications in a smart folder and leave it with them at the end of the interview.
Make sure you ask questions at the end, as they usually ask "have you any questions".
Look up interview questions on the Internet!!! Write all the questions down and write your own answers in!! Then revise these as most ask common or similar questions!

Good luck

11-09-11, 11:58
Thanks both - great advice!!
Lizzie29 - I know excatly what you mean "worry about worrying" :)
It's a cyclic thing, Claire Weekes calls it Secondary Panic ..
I don;t have a Rescue Remedy - any advice would be appreciated.
Sleep is starting to get affected already and I have another 4 sleeps to go .. Sleep is a Key thing for me - if I have a good sleep I'm a different person, when I don;t sleep I'm edgy / can't think straight ...
I know I have the Qualifications / Ability / Experienece ans could do this Job with my Eyes Shut, but just hope I can hold up in the Interview ... If there's qwuite a Shrew Interrogator (:winks:) I think he would notice the Elastic Band and query it .... If more poeple understood this and didn;t treat it as a Weakness I would not mind ... Thanks again ...

11-09-11, 12:18
Try Bachs Rescue Remedy - it's natural and you can put a few drops on your tongue or mix it with a bottle of water. You can buy it through this site but not sure on delivery, and you need it in a few days. If not, Boots do it, in a little yellow box. You can also get rescue remedy sweets to suck on.

I know what you mean about sleep, and it's a bit of a vicious circle, as when you're worrying about an interview you sleep less, but sleeping less makes you more anxious! Make sure you go to bed at a reasonable time, have a bath before, and just read when you get to bed to wind down. At least then you're relaxing.

I actually had a job interview last week and said to myself "it's 45 minutes, it'll fly by once I'm in there, and the worst that can happen is I don't get the job". Yes I was nervous, as you'd expect, but I had a nice smart suit on, I was well prepared, so in those aspects I felt confident. You wouldn't have got an interview unless you looked good on the application form so you can go in with your head held high - nowadays it's really hard to even get interviews.

Really hope you get the job, you sound like you'd really like it :)

11-09-11, 12:46
Also put across all your skills and strong points. Make them feel like they need you on board!!!

11-09-11, 19:19
Don't worry I'm sure you will blow them away at the interview, good luck!

11-09-11, 19:27
Nerves are a good thing in this situation! :) They are what make you try hard and want to do well....similiar to what a performer feels before going on stage! Without nerves you would appear maybe over-confident even cocky!! Everyone gets nervous at this type of thing!!

Keep telling yourself how far youve come to even have an interview in the first place....what a great achievement!! If you have come this far I am sure you will breeze it!

Good luck! xx

13-09-11, 16:57
Thanks for all the Positive Encouragement - It really helps !!

I'm not as bad as I thought I would be, but trying to keep busy not to think about it ....

Being busy is also helping me sleep as I'm knackered

Also got some good natural sleeping aid - Tiserand or something like that (I'll find out) ... you rub it on Pulse Points ... the smell if anything relaxes me / send me off to sleep ... watch you don;t get it in your eye though it burns like hell !!!

2 Sleeps Left ...:ohmy:

14-09-11, 07:27
Spoke too soon .... Insomnia is back :ohmy:

Only got about an hour last night ....

BUT, I think I would have been like this before getting ill, so maybe it's not coming back ???

It is also "A Full Moon" ... does anybody else suffer with Sleep Loss / Agitation on a Full Moon ... would be very interested to know ...

1 Sleep (or NOT!!) to go :shades:

14-09-11, 22:50
It's a Harvest Moon! Dream the night away...and sleep well.

16-09-11, 16:37
How did the interview go??

21-09-11, 00:17
Hi Yorkman, thanks for asking ... got to 2nd Interview ... 60 Candidates to 4 ... Then they canceled my booked Interview as I could not make the one they offered at 1 days notice ... they made a decision on the other 3 ... If I knew it would be detrimental I would have canceled my other appointments ... Hey Ho at least I'm back in the Game !!
10mg's still working well .... Feel a different person at last ... Hope this was all just a One Off ... Fingers X'd ...
Pot Noodle.

21-09-11, 10:38
Well done for getting through to the second, that's a huge achievement :) One day's notice seems a bit harsh.

Well done though, and at least you did it and have now got recent experience of interviews so when you have your next you'll be a bit calmer!

22-09-11, 09:09
Thanks Lizzie ...

I thought 1 Day was Harsh too ...

Totally Freaked me out, but in Hind Sight I would not have had time to Worry ... or lose sleep ...

Sleep back to normal now - luckily ....

Full Moon definitely also has an effect, don;t know why ....

Cheers, Pot Noodle.