View Full Version : Progressing and then crashing....?

09-09-11, 13:08
with my anxiety/depression, I seem to be having weeks where I feel like Im progressing well and then Ill have a few days or a week where I feel like Ive taken backward steps, is this a normal part of all this?

12-09-11, 09:32
OMG this is me! I had a really good two weeks where I felt like I was doing really well and was ready to go back to work then BAM I had an upset at home with my youngest and I feel like I've gone back a few months! That was a week ago and I feel a bit better but definately more edgy than I was. I had to go back to my GP last week to get signed fit for work and she pretty much said that in life 'shit happens' and if we felt fine all the time we wouldn't be human lol. I just need to learn how to deal with things better so the anxiety doesn't get as bad as it did.

Life is a rollercoaster and we have to take the rough with the smooth. Maybe we have a blip to test our new coping skills?

My monthly cycle has a lot to answer for too!

12-09-11, 11:35
Hi there Carrera,

Just found your message, yes its very much the same for me too, I can have a good couple of weeks, feel really well, then you get a knock of some sort and your right back to where you started. Your GP doesnt sound sympathetic saying that hun. I hope you get well soon x

12-09-11, 11:45
Hiya :)

No she was helping to be honest. I'd gone to get a note to go back to work but was worried the anxiety was back after a blip at home. I think what she meant was that life throws stuff at us and the anxiety reaction was normal. I just need to look at it like a blip not that I am not getting better.

Back to work on Wednesday so we'll soon see lols x

12-09-11, 11:52
Yeh can agree with that carerra now you put it that way :) good luck with work x