View Full Version : Herbal Remedies

09-09-11, 16:38
Does anyone know if any herbal remedies help for anxiety sufferers whilst taking Citalopram?

Michelle x

10-09-11, 21:55
I've only tried the Bachs rescue remedy which seems to help. I've heard it's popular with others too. x

10-09-11, 21:56
I take citalapram, and recently took a trip away and took rescue remedy gums and thought they worked.

eight days a week
10-09-11, 21:59
Bach's Rescue Remedy has always been great for me, and relaxing herbal teas (valerian, camomile etc) are very subtle, but wonderful :)

14-09-11, 09:58
Hi Guys,
Thanks for advice, I will take a look at Bach's Rescue Remedy.
I have found a herbal remedy called "Rhodiola Rosea" it it supposed to be good especially for anxiety sufferers.
