View Full Version : Nerves!!

15-05-06, 16:59
:( Oh why oh why does this anxiety exist?>
Its taken me ages to decide I hate my job in the shop I work in and decided to go back to being a secreatry. Nice office to myself to get on and work and just be myself - even did my cv but when it came to walking into the company offices I felt faint, breathless and couldnt breathe so looked in the window and saw loads of people stood and sitting talking and guess what - yep - I bottled it - I didnt even take my cv in and walked right past - all the way home (coz I cant drive - I walk the mile to work every day and cant go on buses) I felt emotional and now I feel tearful and worthless - I KNOW Im not coz Ive raised 2 kids to be great adults and have loads of mates but I just cant face even applying for a job - Help !! Wenjoy

15-05-06, 17:16
Aw hunni. Am so sorry to hear that. Could a friend not go with you when you hand in your cv? It may be a good idea. Or you could ring them up so they are expecting you and discuss with them to come in when its not so busy? Hope this helps.

x x

15-05-06, 18:32
Ah sweetie so sorry to hear that. i agree with Scooby, a friend may give you the support you need to get in and give that CV to them. What about e:mailing it to them?


'This too will pass'

15-05-06, 19:31
THanks - I may try and do that but then maybe ive got the interview to go through - wish it was easy!! guess the best things in life are the things we have to endure to achieve them!!! sounds a bit philosophical doesnt it!! x Wenjoy