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View Full Version : Still worried over results

09-09-11, 19:35
I was reading a few thing on this board. When searching a few things like why do I keep coming out in rashes..

and I came across something called lymphoma, and someone said you would have high platelets, and also I read swollen lymph nodes.
Well march 2010 I had a routnine blood test, as I have health anxiety I wanted to see if I was ok. Everything came back fine except high platelets. So I had another test done 6 weeks later and they had gone down but still slightly over average. My gp didnt seem concerned.

And I can feel the lymph nodes under my jaw, i mentioned that back in 2010 and my gp said that hers have been like that for years also sometimes they dont go down.

So I am worried. my boyfriend was like if it was serious wouldnt i have other symptoms now?

But Im also tired, I wake up tired...
I keep getting rashes, which seem like heat rashes.
I now think I have lymphoma and im petrified ...simply because the high platelet result last year. :weep:

09-09-11, 19:44
I would guess that if this was a year and a half ago you would have some other symptom by now. Also if you look at more of the posts on lymphoma, you'll see that tons of people can feel their lymph nodes. I was also worried about lymphoma and reading these threads helped me feel much better about it. Your doctor knows what an abnormal lymph node feels like and would have told you if she was concerned.

I wouldnt worry :)

09-09-11, 20:39
Thanks honey, Yes I have read other people can feel them too which is comforting, I just put two and two together and digonesed myself :(

I read this on another board:
"Those counts are only slightly off "normal" I'm puzzled as to why your dr would be concerned at all. I put normal in quotes as there is a wide range of normal! My platelets always run high due to a simple iron deficiency but my hematologist has never expressed any concern about them at all. It's the iron he's been warring with (I don't have any.) My platelets run anywhere from 400-800,000. I was told to take an asprin each night to help thin out my blood a bit. A high platelet count can make it "goopy." Very few physicians will even address a "high" platelet count until it reaches over a million. I'm surprised yours even mentioned it."

Which has also made me feel better, but I still have the horrible doubt in my head! :(
