View Full Version : Hiatal Hernia and Anxiety

09-09-11, 20:15
Hello All,

Has anyone here been diagnosed with a hiatal hernia?

The reason I ask is because hiatal hernias cause many of the symptoms which we associate with anxiety:

pressure in chest
heart palpitations
globus (lump in throat)

The list actually goes on. I'm convinced I have a hiatal hernia. I can never reach full breath, have difficulty yawning, feel my oesophagus swollen, have breathing issues, feel tension in my throat and chest, have globus (lump in throat) etc etc.

I have an appointment with my GP on Tuesday and will suggest that I would like to be tested to see if I have a hernia.

Hiatal Hernias are called 'the great mimic' because they mimic other disorders, but perhaps many people with anxiety have hernias and are blaming their minds when it's their bodies that are in error?

I'd love to hear from others :)


09-09-11, 22:37
I have a hiatus hernia for past 30 years diagnosed by endoscopy many years ago ( I have had 2 further scopes to check on it) and the main symptom for me is heartburn/reflux. I have been taking one of the gentler drugs for past 20 years the first generation h2 inhibitors not the newer omeprazole that stops your stomach producing any acid but even with this old drug I find that I have to very careful what I eat and also cannot bend over or it gives me bad heartburn.

I have never had the other symptoms associated with it but I know someone who would get terrible pain in her chest then be violently sick and this was a hernia.

09-09-11, 23:20
Thank you for replying CountryGirl.

Do you suffer from anxiety? If so, what are your symptoms?