View Full Version : Tension headaches

09-09-11, 23:56
Does anyone get a little nauseaus with tension headaches? I've had one off and on since Tuesday...mainly behind my eyes and the back of my neck. But sometimes I feel a little sick...I could just be doing it to myself too!
My lovely health anxiety is telling me it's EEE..that mosquito illness...yikes!
I have had a super stressful week so a tension headache isn't out of the question!


Gemma T
10-09-11, 00:01
Sounds a little more like a migraine to me babe.

Migraines normally occur behind the eye and u will have a one sided headache. Nausea is another symptom and I used to vomit with it.

Floaters that tend to flash is another symptom.

I advise ibuprofen or migraleve. Migraleve is heaven sent trust me.

Love Gem x x x

10-09-11, 00:03
Can they last off and on for a few days...?

Gemma T
10-09-11, 00:09
I've had one for two weeks babe. Did hit my head and have post concussion syndrome.

Mine were so bad I'd be bed ridden. Couldn't stomach lights and sound.

They normally go with some sleep but its not abnormal to have them along time. My friend regularly gets them for weeks on end.

The nurse in a and e told me painkillers don't actually kill pain they prevent it. Maybe take some ibuprofen over a few days even if u don't have a headache at that time. It will prevent any and this should relax u enough for them to go away.

Migraleve can be brought over the counter x x x

10-09-11, 00:21
I agree with Gemma, sounds like a migraine. I get them every few weeks and i'm finished for the day. I am usually sick at least once, if not then i'm nauseous and cant even look at food until it passes. I have to go to bed too. I'm too scared to go to my doctors but thats another story...

Try not to worry about them because funnily enough, once I told myself they were probably not caused by something horrendous I have had them less and less. It's almost as if the more we worry about something, the more it seems to occur.

10-09-11, 11:30
Doesn't sound like a classic tension headache, they're generally all over rather than just behind the eyes and it feels like someones squeezing your head.
I've been suffering from them all week, maybe it's the weather or soemthing :doh:

10-09-11, 12:27
Oh it's definitely been all over! But the majority of it was right behind my eyes, above them on my forehead, the back of my head where my neck meets my head. Last night it hurt on the top of my hard like someone was pushing on it. This morning most of the headache is gone but my neck and shoulders are pretty sore.
I can't tell if the slight nausea is from the headache or just me being nervous about the stupid headache!
Thanks for the replies!

11-09-11, 20:24
Could be your sleeping position if your necks hurting? Maybe try different pillows or one more or less or something?

12-09-11, 17:00
so just to update:
It's a lovely sinus infection. I'm not congested at all which is what threw me but I'm on antibiotics now.

thanks for the replies :)

Gemma T
12-09-11, 23:10
Thats gd to hear babe x x x