View Full Version : Could this be panic?

10-09-11, 04:48
Hello everyone .....

Okay, I'm at my wits end .... I have been dealing with terrible lightheadedness, off balance, swaying feeling (not only when I walk, but also when I sit or lie down), and this horrible stuffy head and the side of my nose... now, all of this insane head stuff began in June. I don't know what to do .... I'm beside myself.

It is giving me tremendous panic and anxiety, because I keep thinking it's a brain tumor! geez! I can't get that thought out of my mind! I've done all those little "tests" such as stretching your arms out to the sides and then touching the tip of your nose...or walking a straight line... etc... most of the time I cant do it normally, but not always....is that normal or what?

This comes and goes, by the way. There are good days, and there are BAD days, like today!...very very bad. It all began last night, while I was watching a movie....i could feel something happening....now, liek I said, I've been dealing with this on and off since June anyway....but, yest. was sort of "alright"...not great, but tolerable. Well, late last night while I was watching a movie "something" sort of "came over me",...like a dark feeling.
Unfortunately, I'm sort of used to that.....so, I tried as usual to ignore it.
I could almost feel the "head" symptoms starting.

A few hours later I went to bed, to tired to stay up. But when I went to lay down...oh boy, dizzy and off balance started! I tried to talk to myself, and tell myself it would be alright...no such luck. I managed to fall asleep for 2 hrs.....when I woke up, it was already there....just opening my eyes...felt off balance and swaying. I carefully and slowly got up, and holding on to things, made my way into the living room. I was swaying!!!
(i mean, in my head,..as far as walking, well, I was sort of off balance, I had to hold onto things). I tried to walk it off, got on the comp. to try to distract me....no luck. I finally went back to bed.......again, upon laying down it gets worse. I then spent the next number of hours, in hell.
I just kept waking up, and dreaming awful dreams....and having horrible adrenaline surges pumping HARD up through my body, from my abdomen...up to my face and head. OMG! ..... i actually think i began hearing things.......this was nuts.

This hell went on for a few hours, then I finally got up today. I've been off balance, shaky, SWAYING (in my head), nauseas and my head (on the left, and top of my head....oh, and also on the left side of my nose) feels as if someone has stuffed an oven mit up there ...... I've taken Benadryl, not to much help. I am presently OUT OF XANAX, until I can get there to get more! But I can't go out...i can't drive......i am swaying and nauseas!

I dont know if this is panic, anxiety, or sinus (i've always had sinus problems)..ore perhaps, inner ear. I am getting these weird waves of pressure in my head and eyes, even as I type this. My vision would get a little blurry once and a while today, not all the time, now it seems fine.

We have been under tremendous financial stress (as I'm sure many of you have as well) for quite a long time now ..... I wonder to myself, if this is perhaps my body finally breaking down under the load???????


11-09-11, 23:41
This certainly could be anxiety! I remember in my worst times I couldn't walk, partially because I felt too weak to stand up, and because standing up made me feel really dizzy. I remember feeling very spinny when I sat down for too long, and standing up didn't make it feel any better.

Just to be sure, you could go to the doc and see what he says. Hope you feel better!

Best of wishes! :hugs:

12-09-11, 00:11
i would say anxiety too hun, i feel dizzy and swaying in my bed now i can tsleep cos of it. and ive been bad before very similiar to you where im just not functioning.
IF there is no chance your preganant i would say it sounds like anxiety and being run down. the sleeping habit would have mad eyou feel shocking, try a good nights sleep tonight and if you still feel bad nip to your gp.
if your really unsettled give nhs a ring xx

12-09-11, 20:25
Thank you so much for your replies! It means a lot to have other people relate to what you're going through~

Yes, I do know the anxiety can cause such awful things, but I think I was questioning whether or not it can KEEP the swaying and off balance on you, for days?! I thought maybe it would just be sort of an "episode" that would come and go............... but from what I have read here, apparently anxiety and panic, can actually keep these symptoms on you, full time, for days if not weeks ......wow!

Am I right, about that?

Thank you all so much!