View Full Version : visit to doctors

10-09-11, 09:47
Hi all just a quick question. When a doctor shines his light in your eyes is that checking for any pressure behind the eyes? e.g. brain tumour.

ive had this brain tumour fear for a while now and it is starting to get better but still bad sometimes doctor doesnt seem too worried so this puts me more at ease. He said that my eyes looked fine and i have had an eye test recently as well which was also fine so surely they would have noticed if something was wrong? wouldnt they?

Like i said i have been better with my health anxiety recently but still have my moments

10-09-11, 11:10
Yes I can relate to this, they are looking for pressure behind eyes that could be caused by a tumour as it would be putting pressure on your optic nerve and they would see if you had pressure.

10-09-11, 11:12
What symptoms do you have that makes you feel you mite have a tumour. I spent 2 days in hospital as I had a constant headache and twitching and had to stay in till they could fo a MRI

10-09-11, 12:02

I have had a few symptoms, i also have had muscle twitching, headaches that come and go but head always feel tense. I also get really tight muscles in my neck and get dizzy spells.

I got really worried about all these when they first started happening but am trying not to freak out doctor has been reassuring although i have not mentioned brain tumour to him just explained my symptoms

Had blood test done yesterday so just waiting for the results from that to come through

10-09-11, 12:23
I had those symptoms too and still do but my scan was all clear. Having ny teeth and jaw scanned in October as could be related to tmj. How old are you? I was told that a tumour specially in younger people normally presents with seizures rather the headaches

10-09-11, 12:34
I think you are looking into this test far too deeply than you need to to be honest.

What you are saying is correct, however when a doctor shines a torch into - I assume - both of your eyes, they are checking your pupillary action to light, and how fast or slow your pupils react. If they are sluggish then yes, AT WORST that could mean there is some intracranial pressure which is causing your pupils not to respond in the correct way.

This is a standard test for any neurological concerns, and certainly not worth analysing any deeper if the doctor said everything was fine.

Both of your individual symptoms are totally explainable as anxiety/stress, etc. I have had all of them too, as well as a twitching eye which has now been happening for 6 weeks and for which I am taking medication to hinder it, but it still reccurs when I forget a tablet. If it does not stop I will be having some neurological tests.

Am I concerned? Yes, but life is short. Too short to constantly worry about something that we have no control over.

Try to relax as worrying will only exacerbate all of your symptoms. x

10-09-11, 13:15
thanks for your comments.

i know i completely agree that we should not waste our time thinking about things too much as it just makes things worse. Its easier said than done sometimes though

kirtsynic i am only 21 so i know it would be a very rare thing to happen but it still doesnt stop me from worrying somtimes a friend of the family and my friends dad both died this year of cancer and seeing the effect it can have on people is upsetting.

once again thanks for your comments

10-09-11, 16:24
i know i completely agree that we should not waste our time thinking about things too much as it just makes things worse. Its easier said than done sometimes though

Sorry if I came across a bit abrasive....I didn't mean to.

It is easier said than done, I know. I have my moments with health anxiety and always think the worst before anything simple. It got to a point though that I just got angry and bored with myself constantly worrying all the time, and I sat back and thought about all the time I have spent wasting my life on worries. I think turning 40 has had a profound effect on my thinking as I see that so much of my life has already passed....and do I want the rest of my life to be the same? The answer is a definite NO.

It is hard when that fear is stuck in your head, but distraction is so crucial to changing your mindset, and also positive thinking. Just as well as something bad could happen, something non-threatening or even nothing at all could be wrong healthwise.

Focus if you can on the fact that the doctors you have seen have given you positive feedback about your health.

Take care.x:hugs: