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View Full Version : Please help! Left side chest pain and underarm!!

10-09-11, 12:57

Since yesterday I have been having some pain under my left arm and under my left breast! Also some tingling going up the back of my neck! It does feel kind of muscular in my arm but the pain under my breast is not constant but feels kind of niggly and comes every once in a while!! Any idea what this could be? I am petrified of it being angina or something worse! x

13-09-11, 15:52
Please? It is still here!! x

13-09-11, 16:31
It will most likely to be muscular. When you are anxious or high levels of stress it leads your chest muscles (or most muscles) to become very tense and tight. If you relax, come to the conclusion most of the chest is simply muscle....so like any other tight muscle it will begin to ache and pain every now and again.

Try to keep yourself as calm as possible, have you already been to see your doctor?

13-09-11, 16:37
Im on medication for anxiety! Ive been to A+E twice in the past...first time (i dont know what any of the procedures are called) I had all the sticky things on my chest and they said heart was fine, second time doctor sent me to Cardiology department with tachcardia and they done something different and printed out a chart and the technician said normal! Just freaking out!! x

13-09-11, 16:44
Im on medication for anxiety! Ive been to A+E twice in the past...first time (i dont know what any of the procedures are called) I had all the sticky things on my chest and they said heart was fine, second time doctor sent me to Cardiology department with tachcardia and they done something different and printed out a chart and the technician said normal! Just freaking out!! x

You had ECG's, it checks for rhythm in your hard I believe.

You could of pulled it excercising, at work, getting out of bed/in your sleep anything. If your doctor says its fine it will be fine. Working yourself up makes it worse, thats the annoying thing about anxiety, as im sure you know.

Relax, maybe have a shower or bath something similar...might loosen it up slightly

13-09-11, 16:46
Just because the pain is underarm and radiating up to my neck and also at the back next to shoulder blade its making me worry! The chest pain is not constant more niggly! I have been great the past while this has come from nowhere! :( xx

13-09-11, 20:37
I have tachycardia, have it a year now, it is anxiety induced but can be caused by your thyroid so have that tested if you haven't before :)
All it means is that your heart rate is too fast , nothing to worry about but you could ask your doctor about it if your still unsure :)
I get a lot of the pain your talking about, I too get pain under my arm and around my breast, ribs, shoulders, up my neck and even my head.
Getting new pillows can help.
Also taking a bath and using heat.
get one of those wheat bags you can wrap around your neck, if heat eases it then you know it's only tight muscles :)