View Full Version : Please help, 1st attack

10-09-11, 14:14
Hi guys,

I was led here by a lovely paramedic who looked after me on Monday evening after my first attack, I've just posted on the introduce myself part of the site too

If I'm being honest my week has got worse and worse and I'm lying here in bed riddled from head to toe wondering what is happening to me, I had the same sensation last night which left me with really bad stomach pains, being really clammy and wanted to be sick

I keep a general blog about my travels and my job, if any of you guys could offer me some advice who share my workload and things I've been doing wring, I'd really welcome some friendly advice

I wrote it here www.craigblundell.net/blog

I hope you can help

Best wishes

10-09-11, 14:34
Hi Craig and :welcome:

Did the paramedic actually tell you to come to No More Panic?

10-09-11, 14:53
Hi Nicola, yes she did

10-09-11, 17:19
Hi Craig,

Sorry to hear you've had your first panic attack, its a really intense experience and will leave you shakey for a while so don't be too concerned about how you are feeling at the moment its perfectly normal.

Being a session drummer and doing Roland electronic drum kit shows must take you around the country a lot and could be pretty stressful. The best thing you coud do right now is probably read up on what has happened to you, as its best to understand that this isn't something thats going to kill you or harm you in any way and you are not going crazy. And also to read up on what techniques can help you (breathing, meditation, relaxation etc). One good thing for you to do if you feel that clammy, sicky feeling coming on again is to go and get lost in some complicated drums. Distract yourself so you can't conciously make the panic worse.

BTW Roland drums are wild expensive!! :-P

10-09-11, 17:21
I am quite impressed that she recommended us then - that is good to know. Thanks for letting me know.

11-09-11, 21:02
Hi Craig,

I hope you've been feeling better over the last few days. Panic attacks can be the most horrific of experiences, especially when you've never suffered from one before. Only other sufferers can fully comprehend what it feels like to be completely taken over with fear and how your brain thinks that you are going crazy and/or are going to die.

The best advice I can give you is just to remind yourself that you are not going crazy and that although all of the symptoms of panic attacks are horrible, they won't harm you in any way. That's what I try to do when I feel one coming on. And use this site as much as possible. This forum has been so helpful to me when I have been at my lowest points. All the people here understand what you are going through and will always offer advice when you need it.

Take care of yourself and remember we are always here. :)

11-09-11, 21:09
Well first things first. Your not dieing and panic attacks never last forever, neither does the anxiety. Another peice of good news is that the first one is the most horrific as you have no idea what the hell is happened was it a heart attack etc. And the others are correct they can't harm you, look at the thousands of us on here, we still alive :)

11-09-11, 21:21
Hi Craig

Sorry to hear you've been hit by the horrid panic attacks. As has been said, horrible as they are they cannot hurt you. It's important to try and get a handle on them asap as the longer you let them affect you, the harder it gets.

I had a quick look at your blog - I personally find music helps me greatly as I switch off and go into my own little world. Have you tried it when you're feeling at your worst, or is it too hard to try that at the moment? Have you any idea what set your attack off? x