View Full Version : Feel like i'm about to a fit when i panic

10-09-11, 15:40
Hi everyone, just wondered if it's just me or does anyone else feel like they are about to have a fit when they get panicky? I've never actually had a fit, but for 7 years since my panic/anxiety started, I have this feeling when i get really anxious. I also feel unbalanced on my feet and find it hard to stand still at traffic lights/ waiting for a lift etc. Please tell me i'm not going mad!

10-09-11, 16:41
Hi Lorra, no your not going crazy i to have the same feeling,sensastion, ive often thought am i experiencing a mini fit?!!, and the un-steadyness,yip i get it quite a lot.Its the adrenalin that causes this,your not alone feeling like that,.i have sufferd fron Anxiety,panic disorder for many yrs now,never quite being able to control it,i do find alking about it a great help though. Take care. :hugs: Regards Ellen.x

13-09-11, 15:38
I feel exactly like this quite often! It happened today in fact- the 'fit' thing seems to happen most when I'm talking to somebody who is lookign at me and my head feels very weird and jittery and wobbly- it happened today and I thought exactly the same as you xx