View Full Version : been for ultrasound

10-09-11, 15:55
hi well just got back from ultrasound it was a man and he wasnt very helpful. He asked me some questions about blood in urine and the last time i had seen any and when he finished he said he would send the results to dr. So i said did everything looked ok as i have health anxiety. I told him about my mum and dad dying from cancer and he asked where it was . I told him then i asked him if everything looked ok and he said yes it looked ok but he will have a better look later because thats what they do. I know its not his fault but i didnt feel reasured at all. Would he have to tell me if he seen anything abnormal when i asked him .All he said was i need to speak to my dr about what they will be doing next i said they might be doing a cystoscopy and he said that was a good idea .With me having HA i just worry he not telling me the truth about ultra sound and he did see something but not telling me x

10-09-11, 17:02
and when you have a ultrasound do they always tell you the results there and then or do some say they will send them to your dr x

10-09-11, 17:13
ive never had them tell me the results there and then apart from when i had scans when i was pregnant x

10-09-11, 17:18
thanks s11fyx he said it looked ok but im not rational and because he says i need to see gp for results im worrying again x

10-09-11, 17:51
Hi Bronte
You have brought up an issue that has bugged me for a very long time, getting results from tests that are carried out by people other than doctors eg Radiographers, Physios, nurses etc. It seems that giving information is like giving away classified secrets, don't fool yourself yes they have a good look later but to stop the test and not call for help they have the answer to what the referral was about. But in the good NHS they keep you hanging on. I worked for the NHS for over 30 years and you had to be very cagey what you told patients as that was the remit of the doctors and that's why you have to wait till you see your GP. If your ultrasound was done by a radiologist( doctor) instead of a sonographer( radiographer specialising) you would have been given the information no problem. It's time the NHS stopped messing about and started giving patients test results straight after investigations.

10-09-11, 18:13
hi ronski they were looking for any reasons they could see as to why i was having blood in my urine they thought i might have stones but ive had clear abdo xray so ultrasound was next would he have told me things looked ok if they wasnt x

Hazel B
10-09-11, 18:16
Hi, I have had 2 ultrasound tests. The first one I was told the lady could "prrobably" see a gallstone and a small fibroid.

This was confirmed once the results had been checked over. Sometimes they can see somethign and may tell you but the process is that a senior person trianed to analyse the scan shots has to write a report. This can take a couple of weeks, especially during the holiday times as staff are on leave.

I was so anxious on my first scan that I think the lady was being kind in telling me what she could see as those things are not usually life-threatening. I then had to have CT scan & MRI as something was seen on my liver. After months it was confirmed as a benign lesion but that worried me for a while.

Wait until the report comes back and then you will know where you stand. Try not to stress too much over it, not easy I know but you can make yourself ill with anxiety.:)

10-09-11, 18:36
he said the results will be at my drs in 7 to 10 days and when i said have i got anything i should be worried about he said he doesnt think so it looked ok and not to go away worrying but some people in the health profesion dont give anything away which makes you worry i was told by my friend they cannot tell you things look ok if they dont x

10-09-11, 19:49
I have found a huge difference between one scan and another as in who is doing it. Having had so many scans for various reasons I know the radiographers at my local hospital and what they are like. One lady is horrible and never speaks to you at all, when I had a large ovarian cyst that I had had to have mri and blood test for and went for 6 month follow up ultrasound I got her and she was silent and kept going over and over the area - I was a basket case by then thinking that the cyst had got huge. I could not help myself and said has the cyst got alot bigger and she looked at me as if I was an idiot and said " Oh its not there anymore its gone away itself " I was just making sure the ovary looked completely normal- I wasmt sure whether to hit her or kiss her! She would not have said anything if I hadn't aksed her a direct question and i would have had to wait another week for gp to tell me bu ton other hand I have had loads of radiographers who straight away say everything looks fine - I love them!

Remember if there was anyhting really iffy your Dr would be in touch within 48 hrs as they get phoned from hospital same day.

10-09-11, 20:26
hi thankyou for all your replies but no one is answering my question in your valued experience would the person who did the scan tell me that everything looked ok if it didnt yes or no thankyou for your replies they are appreciated very much x

10-09-11, 22:39
Sorry - Please believe him, what he was saying is to him the scan looked normal but he has to say that someone else will look at the scan as well later to confirm his opinion as this is what happens.

Remember that anything seriously wrong will be seen straight away and he would and could not say that everything looked fine to him if he had seen anything that he thought was serious.

To him everything on that scan looked fine keep repeating this to yourself from now until you see your GP!

11-09-11, 00:34
thankyou so much country girl that means alot to me x

11-09-11, 00:42
The tech cannot tell you ANYTHING. Its against federal and medical rules. They try to make you feel as secure as they can but no matter what they cant do it. Now when I had two ultrasound there was a specialist come in and they were talking about what they saw like I wasnt even there. It scarwd me to death but they had given me valium so I was not really concerned till later.

11-09-11, 10:45
why can some tell you everythings fine and some cant then because every pelvic scan ive been to for womens stuff they have told me there and then why not this one and with it being saturday they was hardly anyone about so i dont think my scan was done by a dr does that make a difference x

11-09-11, 11:14
ive just read a ultrasound technitian can not tell you anything and its advised not to ask them so do you think looked ok was as much as he could legally say i wish i had read this before because i wouldnt have asked him in the first place x

11-09-11, 11:37
I always ask even if i tell myself i wont. I really think if there was something they would word it differently and not say it looks ok. I agree as well some seem much more to the book than others. Maybe its experience im not sure. I had a pelvic scan once and she could see how worried i was. As in tears but did nothing to put me at straight faced just kept saying results will go to the referer. I was begging her as wasnt seeing the consultant for three months. Convinvced it was bad as she was so none commital with her answer. In the end phoned the cosultants secretary to ask and after many calks they wrote to me and it was fine. i was so angry that i was put through that hell but just shows how different they all are. Lots of love chin up x

11-09-11, 13:12
thanks daisydoo x

11-09-11, 15:31
No way would they tell you things looked ok if they didn't :)

11-09-11, 15:53
The poster who said that they cannot tell you anything was from America and the rules there are totally different from here. In good old UK they can tell you, it seems to be left up to the individual radiographers or the health authority.

I have had numerous scans over the years and have had some who say nothing and scare us witless but this was only once, every other time they have told me that either all was fine or when they detected gallstones they told me so and when I had ovarian cyst they told me there and then I had a 7cm cyst.

What they don't say is " I can see a cyst and it looks cancerous" as this is not their remit and they would be struck off but they can say I see a cyst and you will probably be sent for more tests or whatever - this is just an example.

My cousin had both ovarian and womb cancer poor soul at same time and I saw her the day she had had her ultrasound scan of pelvis and she was telling me that the scanner had said she had alot of fluid in her abdomen and that she could not see her kidneys or one ovary and because of my medical knowledge I was thinking oh oh and by 4pm while I was there her GP rang to say she needed to get to hospital appt next day to see gyny so I KNOW that they get in touch with your GP same day if anyhting nasty is found.

As I said before - he said it all looks normal to him and this is what your GP will tell you as well.

Hazel B
11-09-11, 17:05
They don't lie, that's the anxiety tricking you & making you think the worst. What was said will be the professional opinion of the scanner.:)

11-09-11, 17:57
thankyou all so much you,ve all been great x

Hazel B
11-09-11, 18:20
No worries, I have been there and know how awful it is. Hope you get the results soon.:)

12-09-11, 14:23
Hi Bronte -

I doubt serioursly if he would have said everything looks "ok" if it didn't....I wouldn't worry too much. Here in the US the sonagrapher who does the tests are not allowed to tell you anything - we must wait for the Dr to review. I know its a headache - I guess they don't want you getting different information from all kinds of people. Which makes sense....

12-09-11, 15:02
i know he wasnt going to say anything to me at all its only because i asked him and put him on the spot he told me but i just hope he wasnt just trying to shut me up i hate health anxiety x