View Full Version : Spacey-Tingling head and body sensations ?

10-09-11, 18:06
What's been happening is I've been getting really weird sensations for well over 7 months. What's happening is basically I feel a bit lightheaded, but its a weird type, more spacey. It feels like I am having out of body experiences but they last about a couple seconds, and I return again but it happens every few seconds. So it's on and off but this lasts the whole day.

If i don't feel the on and off sensation, I'm very dizzy and lightheaded and things look like they're very flowy, like soft waves are over them.

Sometimes accompanying the spacey - lightheaded feeling is this really weird sensation like theres a shock going through my body basically starting in my head and it goes down my body rapidly, many times. Sometimes when I am in the middle of an episode I can't see or my vision turns really blurry. Even turning my head, it starts. It almost feels like I am in outer space while this happens, it feels like there is no gravity, or it feels like i am going in through time fast. It's a tingling - numb type of sensation spread through my body from head to toe. It's really hard to describe. I also get frequent migraines, and headaches.

It happens all the time, I don't think its my blood sugar because yesterday it happened throughout the entire day, and I bought some juice and some candy with my lunch so my blood sugar can get a little higher, but it did nothing.

I am on anti-depressants and anti-psychotics, the doctor and psychologist thought it was my medication and they moved the dose of the anti-psychotics down and also told me to take my pills at night time. I am anemic and I take iron pills. None of this has helped me though! I am really starting to think there might be a brain tumor or something pretty serious. Nothing helps me, the doctor said to try gravol, but no result came out of that.

Does anyone know what could possibly be wrong or what I should do? Some days are worse than others, but it's always there.

Tammy xx

10-09-11, 22:22
It all sounds neurological doesnt it. Ive suffered BAD migraines for years and I also had similar symptoms for a while. I would be stood in a shopping queue and my head would feel like it was plugged into an electrical socket I also felt detached and swimmy-but not faint.sometimes a migraine would follow but not always. Anyway I saw a neurologist who was confidant it was part of the migraine syndrome-he said Migraine is a spectrum of neurological events not just a headache. Your meds probably are nt helping as they change brain chemical levels. Dont even think brain tumour-symptoms for those are different and anyway you,ve been having the symptoms quite a while now so its sort of a chronic condition ! Have u ever had a brain scan ? Why dont you asked to be referred to a neurologist ? Hope this helps x