View Full Version : panic in form of pounding heart :-( anyone?

10-09-11, 20:40
Struggling a bit today because I had a panic attack last night where my heart just raced away. It was so horrible, I wanted to call 999. It felt like it was going at 200bpm or more - but actually when I counted it was about 130bpm which isn't that bad I supposed. At the height of panic I felt like I might die. Really scary. That feeling is still with me today a bit, and my heart is thumping quite a bit and going fairly fast even though I'm just sitting here. I just hate that it's to do with my heart because it's so crucial for my life!! I do pretty much know there's nothing wrong with my heart, had ECG and checked out by doctor etc.

Does anyone else get these kind of feelings? Can anyone identify? Just feeling a little bit lonely and scared about this and not sure what to do :-(

11-09-11, 00:06
i know exactly who u feel, i often get panic attacks where my pulse is 200+!

in those situations, don't take ur pulse, ignore ur heart and try you hardest to find some solace in the fact that ur heart is a very strong muscle that does not fail in stressful situatuion, not matter how bad it get, it will still be beating after :flowers:

11-09-11, 01:01
Yes,happens to me alot. I was in ER for 8 hours with it going from 112 tob130 and even when I was in the hospital they gave me a panic attack and it went to 136 but it was ok.Just try to relax and take care.

11-09-11, 08:33
yep its the adrealine it is doing what its ment to so thats a good thing. try and relax distract your self when it happens go for a walk or do some meditation x

11-09-11, 10:21
Ah thank you all of you, what you're saying does help and make sense! I think it would be good to try and think my heart is a strong muscle that can cope with this, it's just adrenaline doing this, and try not to count my pulse!! I went to a&e the first time it happened, all tests were normal. Guess we just have to believe it's harmless, easier said than done :D

11-09-11, 13:04
To all of you worrying about a fast heartbeat, the figures you've mentioned are quite low.

If you want to get fit, you try and exercise below your maximum heart beat for training (this is not the same as your maximum heart beat which can be higher).

To find it take your age from 220.

So I'm 50.
220-50=170 170!!!

So to burn fat and get fit I need to aim to be within about 120 to 170.
I've trained for hours at 165 and above...

So when you have a panic attack and are measuring your pulse, remember how high you have to go just to get a decent workout...

11-09-11, 19:31
I totally agree. I'm 31 years old and train to a heart rate of 170. However, I have to point out that my heart rate felt a lot faster when I was having a panic attack to what it does when I am training.

When you feel frightened your body is preparing you for flight or fight and that is what the unpleasant feelings are. Just remember that you've most probably felt like this before (or worse), and you're still here now to tell your story.

Good luck