View Full Version : Having Palpitations

10-09-11, 22:06
I stopped having palpitations for such a long time, but over the last week or so, they have come back and are really freaking me out, i am quite sure it is the panic but part of me keeps slipping back thinking i am going to have a heart attack or something. Also the dizziness i was experiencing has come back again after not having it for a couple of weeks, could this just be panic also?? My mind just seems to be thinking of all the negative things and none of the positive. It is really getting me down.

10-09-11, 22:32
Hi Nataliex,
Palps and dizziness are well known symptoms of anxiety and the more attention you pay to them the more they occur-viscious circle effect! Palps are heart beats-thats all I never heard of anyone who died having a panic attack. Heart attack symptoms are quite different-and lets face it you wouldnt be having one every day for a week !-luv ya, The only reason I can calmly tell you this is because Ive been thru this-I even called an ambulance one night as I thought i was dying !! When I get palp now I tell myself its ok and breathe deep-and it passes. Try not to worry keep telling yourself your o.k-Your NOT going to die from a fast heartbeat xxxxxxxxx