View Full Version : Joint pain / tiredness / freaked out

10-09-11, 22:57
A couple of weeks ago, I noticed some pain in my left wrist. I assumed it was from my typing posture. Later my right index finger became very sore. Then I started getting pain in my left index finger even though the wrist pain had since cleared up. Since then, I randomly have pain in either my left or right hand, especially in the evenings. Sometimes its just the index fingers, sometimes all the knuckles. My left shoulder also feels constantly "weak" like I've slept on it funny - but its been weeks now. I've also had discomfort in my hips - on and off.

Lately I've noticed that my energy levels are also really low. I seem to get tired very quickly now if I'm doing anything physical at all. Today for example, I went for a really short walk with my wife and kids and my legs were really tired after it (in fact, I felt like I could do with just curling up in bed for a while.

I don't know what is wrong with me and its freaking me out now. I think its been going on too long to be just a virus. I went to a doctor about two weeks ago and she suggested that it was bad typing posture, but its more than that - I dont think that would cause the tiredness.

I've been panicing especially about ALS, because my uncle died from that, though I don't think I really have any classic symptoms. But that still dosen't make me feel any better or less panicked about this. I am going to go to the doctor again next week but would love to hear any advice / opinions from others.