View Full Version : Extreme fatigue?

11-09-11, 02:06
Anybody feel tired all the time? Im at work and I feel like im about to hit the ground.. Been sleeping alot lately aswell..does anybody feel tired suddenly for no reason?

11-09-11, 04:16
Yeah all the time. Anxiety does it and meds does it to me.....

11-09-11, 10:30
Ya I do, have the flu or something at the moment.
But this year I've just been feeling tired a lot , even worse was that when I went to bed I found it hard to sleep, but once I was asleep itd be hard to wake up.
I'd often lay down , I was never able to nap but then this year I found myself laying down an sleeping for an hour!
Saying all that, this year was really stressful for me and I think stress leaves you physically and emotionally tired

11-09-11, 14:47
Yes! I am excessively tired recently, sometimes I feel I will just drop or that I won't make it up and down stairs!

Anxiety is exhausting!!! Our bodies are on a constant fight or flight so I guess that's why..

Take time to relax xx

11-09-11, 15:33
yes, tiredness seems to be a fact of life for those with anxiety and/or depression and/or taking meds for it. Helps me to ensure I try and get lots of rest, look after myself, etc. Ironically, the best thing for me is to exercise, much as I don't want to most of the time. It's the only thing that really energises me. Regular, fairly intensive aerobic type exercise.
Good luck. Siberian ginseng is also supposed to be good (good quality one) but I've never tried it. Maybe someone else has? Take care of yourself.

11-09-11, 19:13
Yes anxiety medication is making me sleep sometimes during the day

eternally optimistic
11-09-11, 22:34
Yeah, I had this very badly about four years ago and had had it many years before that.

I only realised that my body had been burnt out when I eventually had been put on medication and, after about 6 months of being on, I woke up one day and thought OMG I dont feel exhausted and unwell - it was a great day.

I had a bit of an anxiety relapse back at Christmas and went back on meds but, having said that I know the tell time signs of when I am getting unwell.

You are not alone and I hope that you start to feel better soon.

09-02-12, 00:55
Tagging on this November thread:

Have people experimented with when the medicine is taken? I take 20mg citalopram at night and am OK in the morning but kind of exhausted by 5PM. I tried it in the morning a couple of months but can't recall if I was tired or not. I just remember the anxiety or lack of.

09-02-12, 02:02
If I am worrying over a problem and it doesn't resolve then I reach the point of fatigue. At that point I have to let go of the problem and put some food into my system.

I usually become so wrapped up in a problem that I skip meals and burn loads of energy.

Eating is one remedy for it .... and talking to someone about whatever it is that was gnawing at me is a must.

09-02-12, 02:29
Yes, that does help. If I am driving, chewing crunchy things helps me do something and I also drink sips of water.

I will put some snacks in the car now, good idea.

09-02-12, 05:42
Never feel anything but tiredness; I seem to live my life in a permanent state of fatigue, from the moment I wake to the moment I finally get to sleep. When people say sometimes I look a bit fed up or I'm a bit quiet, I tell them that I'm a bit "tired" - when the truth is I'm exhausted. Apparently there is no underlying medical cause for it, it is purely anxiety or stress-related. I hate it and have yet to find a medication that does not make me sleepy.
I keep living in hope that one day I will "wake up" and start feeling what it's like to be a normal,healthy human being again but I have become resigned to being this way.
Everything is an uphill struggle when you constantly feel tired.

10-02-12, 01:08
Another reason to stay at the lowest dose that works for each!

16-03-12, 13:43
Never feel anything but tiredness; I seem to live my life in a permanent state of fatigue, from the moment I wake to the moment I finally get to sleep. When people say sometimes I look a bit fed up or I'm a bit quiet, I tell them that I'm a bit "tired" - when the truth is I'm exhausted. Apparently there is no underlying medical cause for it, it is purely anxiety or stress-related. I hate it and have yet to find a medication that does not make me sleepy.
I keep living in hope that one day I will "wake up" and start feeling what it's like to be a normal,healthy human being again but I have become resigned to being this way.
Everything is an uphill struggle when you constantly feel tired.

I didn't want to start a new thread so I thought Id respond to this one already written :)

The post above says exactly how I feel, I couldve written it myself!

Im constantly tired, I keep thinking food or a drink will perk me up, maybe even exercise.. eating just makes me more sleepy, the drink has no effect and exercise just makes me feel like Im about to drop. I feel like anytime soon I will be dragging myself up the stairs. Its not like Im having panic attacks, Im not anxiety free but I dont feel like my anxiety is matching this extreme tiredness. :weep:

I also have such a hard time with heat.. so heating on, moving around/tidying up, getting too hot in my sleep, those kinds of things leave me feeling like Im absolutely hanging, just terrible :( I have to stop every 5 mins, literally.. stack the dishwasher, have a rest.. Put the dinner on, rest.. Thats another thing, the heat in the kitchen makes me feel terrible too. Im dreading the summer, just more heat I wont be able to cope with.

Of course those things are making me think Ive got the early signs of MS! I just feel terrible!

16-03-12, 14:11
I feel exactly the same nikki. And have wondered about the MS or maybe problems with my circulation which are causing me to be always tired. I havenot been able to do all the cooking since Christmas. I do just the smallest bit of cleaning then resting as you say. Not had the strength to push a vacuum cleaner around yet as I don't want to over do it. It's kinda freaky. Lately I have been having a lot of anxiety and night time panics where some become attacks cos I am too sleepy to quash them quick enough. I guess we just have to deal with it in our own time and rest as much as possible. X

16-03-12, 14:40
I asked my GP if I have CFS but he dismissed it out of hand. This is because I work and am reasonably active...I don't stay in bed all day watching TV. I function because I have to but I often function very poorly because of the immense tiredness. No amount of sleep ever seems to be enough, I'm on auto pilot practically all day...sometimes my mind is completely disengaged from the rest of my body but it forces it to move.

That's enough to make anyone depressed isn't it? Ah but is that because I am depressed that I feel this way? It's the eternal conundrum...

16-03-12, 15:01
I asked my GP if I have CSF but he dismissed it out of hand. This is because I work and am reasonably active...I don't stay in bed all day watching TV. I function because I have to but I often function very poorly because of the immense tiredness. No amount of sleep ever seems to be enough, I'm on auto pilot practically all day...sometimes my mind is completely disengaged from the rest of my body but it forces it to move.

OMG...that is so me. Constantly on auto pilot because I have to be for work, family etc. Can't remember what I done 5 minutes ago most of the time lol. Got bloods tested so many times, doc puts 'TATT' on the forms...thats what I am..tired ALL the time. Nothing adverse found, just this anx/panic wearing me down. And of course the meds. It's so hard to function some days.

16-03-12, 17:36
i feel very tired all the time like id almost fall asleep aywhere i went to the doctor and found out i was anemic and he said it can be linked to anxiety and panic attacks x