View Full Version : Memory problems

11-09-11, 05:47
I know none of you are medicly qaulified but im having seizure like symptoms..im going to see a nurolgist soon..but what should i do untill then..all docs say its anxity but its not theres something wrong with my brain holding memorys and stuff

11-09-11, 21:20
For the past weeks my memory was really bad, too, like I never had before. My memory usually is quite good, but at that point I was forgetting names and what day it was and what I had said or done five minutes earlier.

Suffering from health anxiety, I immediately thought it was an early onset of Alzheimer's disease (I'm not even 30). But I told myself to think of a rational explanation for the forgetfullness, and I came to the conclusion that my mind couldn't handle all the stress I've been under for the past weeks. I need a quiet day every once in a while, and circumstances didn't grant me that enough. Now that things have settled and my mind has calmed down as well, and knowing that everything went fine, my memory returned.

Know that stress and anxiety can cause a lot of scary symptoms that seem so real and make us think we have a bad disease. If it will assure you, see a specialist. Perhaps you can also discuss your fears with him. If he/she knows, he will understand better and do your best to assure you and perhaps do some tests to show you that it actually is anxiety.