View Full Version : Becoming Obsessed and Depressed Over Bad News

11-09-11, 11:07
Sorry, I just noticed this recently. Just recently, I've been really really sad whenever I hear bad news on TV, the Internet, elsewhere. Like whenever a few people get killed because of a road accident, murder, etc here especially in the city I'm in, I get so upset. Just now, I read that 3 people got killed in our city because of drunk driving.

Like last week I think, about the plane crash in Russia which killed a team of athletes, I got so sad.

Whenever I hear news of deaths especially tragic ones, I always think "What if it was me who was in that place during that time? Would I still be here? Are the people who've died in heaven or are they being tortured in hell as of this moment? Or are they just simply dead?"

Because of this, I'm becoming more fearful of traveling to work and school. I travel at least 2 hours a day. Also, whenever I hear people having major illnesses, I feel that just by reading the news, I might get it as well!

I'm 21 years old an I don't want this to take over my life. Help please :weep::weep:

Gemma T
11-09-11, 11:57
Im emotional alot lately. Im kind of cold hearted tbh.

Think its the anx and depression getting me in touch with my emotions.

You know sometimes a good cry is a great cure. If you wanna cry then cry. Let it out then get on with it. You will feel better if you dont fight the feeling.

Love Gem x x x

11-09-11, 12:50
Thank you for the kind words, Gemma.

Honestly, I'm not the crying type of guy. Sometimes I just box in the emotions I feel about the sad news and let it make me anxious. :(

This is so weird. This has never happened to me before. I used to hear a lot of people dying on the news yet I don't feel any depression about it.

When will this ever end :(

12-09-11, 00:17
Hi, Elad

I'm sorry about your situation. Yes, I do agree with you that the media just loves tragic stories. At this moment, it would be difficult for me to detach myself from the Internet (I have no TV yet since I just moved in) since I usually contact people via Facebook and Twitter. I usually get news, both good and BAD.

I'm not from Europe, but the riot news in London made me feel bad as well.

What are your other coping mechanisms?

12-09-11, 11:56
Hi Skyisblue I too feel exactly like you. The news is and always will be depressing because all they want to report on is awful things that have happened to people. I find that whenever I watch it I always end up thinking about the poor people who have lost their lives and the way in which they died and then I can't help but think how I would deal with something like that if it happened to a member of my family or friends. I don't want to live in my own little bubble and never watch the news and pretend everything's ok but at the same time watching it makes my anxiety a lot worse! My friend told me to remember that there is a massive difference between the amount of people who appear on the news compared with the amount that have never been on the news because of tragic events- In that these events aren't that common when you put into perspective how many people live in this country