View Full Version : Upped dose and had panic attack

11-09-11, 11:48
Is this a normal side effect ? I upped to 30 the day before yesterday

11-09-11, 11:52
I haven't had a panic attack since I went in the 20mg

11-09-11, 12:22
I started on 10mg for 4 days and it wasn't too bad, as soon as I increased to 20 the panic attacks were every day. I have dropped back to 10mg 2 days ago and still waiting for the panic to settle. this med seems to increase anxiety. Hope you are ok.:)

11-09-11, 12:50
Keep with 30 IMO, you probably would have had the attack anyway.
I was fine on 30, my doc increased it to 40 and I was so tired yesterday.
But I seem ok today....... So far anyway! Gonna see how it goes.

11-09-11, 15:34
yeah definitely going to stick with it , i thin its a good thing if it means it is making some difference anyway ha.I woke up with intense anxiety which i suppose i had forgotten how bad it can get ! It must just be me reacting to the new dose!

11-09-11, 17:26
i upped to 30mg yesterday and next week going up to 40mg i had a little panic attack too xx

11-09-11, 17:30
thats reassuring , I'm sure my body is just adjusting to the new dose! hopefully this will pass in the next few days ! its not too bad just a bit jittery!

11-09-11, 18:25
I'm sure you will be fine, the difference for me is like night and day. I used to feel like absolute crap in a morning and wake in the night panicking.I feel loads better!!
Already getting back to how I was before.
I really hope you recover soon.

Ps, I'm gonna see how i go on 40mg, I've been quite tired the last 2 days. Maybe I will be ok? If not I will drop down to 30. Gonna give it a week then decide.
I start my new job tomorrow, that's how far I've come in such a short time! I wouldn't have had the balls to do it a month ago as i was so low on confidence.
I'm making a fresh start now.