View Full Version : Can you have a undetected bacterial infection?

11-09-11, 12:36
I've had frequent bowel movements and googled lots but my latest concern is what if I have an undetected bacterial infection? Is it possible or would you get like sick by vomiting and know or can you have it months, years and never know?

My symptom I googled to find it was a thin yellow liquid in stool.

11-09-11, 14:23
I would assume it would show up in blood work,
Also would you not have a fever with infection?

11-09-11, 14:39
I would assume it would show up in blood work,
Also would you not have a fever with infection?

No don't think I have a fever.

I keep googling bowel issues and the common things are IBS, Bowel cancers, Infections.

I notice thinking about this issue makes me use the toilet more. It's hard to accept it's not serious and it may be anxiety/ibs.

11-09-11, 15:56
Have you seen your GP about this as a simple stool sample sent off to lab will tell them totally if you have any form of bacterial infection or food poisoning.
The only way of knowing 100% is by a sample to the lab but usually with food poisoning bacteria you are very ill with fever and vominting as well so chances are its as you say IBS.

I can get alot of mucus in my stool when my ibs is playing up and as I have had sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy in past I know its just irritated bowel.

11-09-11, 16:23
Have you seen your GP about this as a simple stool sample sent off to lab will tell them totally if you have any form of bacterial infection or food poisoning.
The only way of knowing 100% is by a sample to the lab but usually with food poisoning bacteria you are very ill with fever and vominting as well so chances are its as you say IBS.

I can get alot of mucus in my stool when my ibs is playing up and as I have had sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy in past I know its just irritated bowel.

My GP a few months ago reckoned it was anxiety aggravated bowels. I mean sometimes I don't feel anxious but some how I have the symptom.

I've not had vomiting or any horrible symptoms just bowel movements but I find it very hard to accept it's nothing serious. :shrug:

11-09-11, 16:35
I could never accept my Drs diagnosis of IBS either and about 4 years ago had a sigmoidoscopy that was not pleasant but paled into insignificance compared to colonoscopy! I then was sure the atttacks of bad pain were appendicitis and after second visit to A&E I had emergency surgery incase it was appendix so had large abdominal operation with 5inch scar to check all my organs and guess what nothing wrong this op was followed up 4 months later by the horrible colonoscopy so they had checked out everything and once again perfectly normal.

In one sense having the tests did reassure me but going through them was not something I would wish on anyone, especially the prep for the colonoscopy:wacko:.

I have know a few people who have had bowel cancer and now know that they either pass blood/black stools or have sudden severe symptons that means hospital visit.

11-09-11, 17:36
I could never accept my Drs diagnosis of IBS either and about 4 years ago had a sigmoidoscopy that was not pleasant but paled into insignificance compared to colonoscopy! I then was sure the atttacks of bad pain were appendicitis and after second visit to A&E I had emergency surgery incase it was appendix so had large abdominal operation with 5inch scar to check all my organs and guess what nothing wrong this op was followed up 4 months later by the horrible colonoscopy so they had checked out everything and once again perfectly normal.

In one sense having the tests did reassure me but going through them was not something I would wish on anyone, especially the prep for the colonoscopy:wacko:.

I have know a few people who have had bowel cancer and now know that they either pass blood/black stools or have sudden severe symptons that means hospital visit.

I do wonder if stress causes it for me I seem to deal with things at a higher stress level since I failed a few driving tests I do dwell on being single every day and stress.

I feel I'm in a bit of a cycle..going out I feel better at work I can work an 8 hour shift and never be near a toilet even if holding in I don't feel the urge like at home I'd be there 3/4 times..

And yes I read the tests are not too nice my dad has had a colonoscopy so even talking about it makes me feel I must have something wrong.

I read for some people bowel issues just vanish when it is stress..I wonder if one day it will be a symptom which won't bother me? i hope thats the case. :blush:

11-09-11, 18:27
hi phil,

How long have you been having bowel problems? Has your gp suggested any tests to find out the problem?

I've been having similar problems for 3 months now and my gp has suggested a colonoscopy which i'm not too keen on but will probably have to go through.

I also suffer terribly with anxiety and i'm really struggling with it just now.