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11-09-11, 17:07
I have suffered from Health Anxietty for 4 years (since the birth of my son and I became extremely frightened that I would die and leave him on his own). My main focus was having a heart attack and I would search my body frequently for signs of having a heart attack. I found many due to the symptoms of panic and became obsessed with the fact that I was dying. I lost time with my family and would isolate myself and stay at home as this was my safe zone. After then getting frequent ear infections I also became obsessed with having a brain tumour.

I recognized these feelings and thoughts weren't 'normal' as such and after another visit to my GP with the intention of telling him more of my imaginary symptoms I decided that I had had enough and told him the truth. I was expecting him to think I was mad, however, he sympathised with me and asked what I would like him to do to help me. I advised that I would like to be referred for CBT as I believed this could help me. A referral was then made.

After 14 sessions of CBT I can happily say I have not had any negative thoughts about my health for 6 months now. In fact, if my heart races at the Gym I laugh to myself about how frightened I used to be. I am not playing down health anxiety as I understand how frightening it can be. I found combining the CBT with going to the Gym on a regular basis I was able to overcome my anxiety. I feel I have my life back.

For all who is not getting treatment for their anxiety I urge you to talk to your GP and access support. I did not take any medication for this and found that by using CBT to change my way of thinking had the best outcome for me.

If anyone has any questions I'd be happy to answer them.

Good luck all of you, there is light at the end of the tunnel!


11-09-11, 20:16
Well done. I had CBT last year and it really helped me too.
Keep us the good life :D

12-09-11, 14:14
That is such great news Tracey! I have always suffered with HA and like you after the birth of my son nearly 2 years ago it has been accentuated! I also have had enough with feeling like this, the worry of leaving him behind on his own makes me so petrified and anxious that I don't spend quality time with him now, ridiculous so I too booked myself in for CBT, have only had 3 sessions so far, and I do feel like I'm moving forward but still with some way to go. Could I ask how long it was for you before you really felt like you were making some progress?

Take care, and all the best to you and your family

Fi x

12-09-11, 17:56
Great story, Tracey - thank you for sharing. Its great to know that (1) your doctor took this seriously (I've never mentioned my anxiety to my doc) and that (2) you were able to feel better without medication. Well done.

13-09-11, 17:30

Fi, it took about 10 sessions before I started to notice the improvement, and like you I isolated myself from my family and son as I was so certain I was dying. I really gave it my all at CBT and had to push myself out of my comfort zone, but the results were well worth it. HA had also stopped me enjoying life, I started to think everything would kill me, avoided long drives, fairgrounds, flying etc.

I can say proudly, that although I am probably still a little over cautious when it comes to my health I am no longer irrational. What really pushed me is when everytime my little boy had a sniffle, spot or whatever he would say I need to go to Doctors, I realised I needed to change or I would pass my anxiety to him.

Good luck love,


Hazel B
13-09-11, 22:21
Well done and thanks for letting us know.

jo h
14-09-11, 11:57

Fi, it took about 10 sessions before I started to notice the improvement, and like you I isolated myself from my family and son as I was so certain I was dying. I really gave it my all at CBT and had to push myself out of my comfort zone, but the results were well worth it. HA had also stopped me enjoying life, I started to think everything would kill me, avoided long drives, fairgrounds, flying etc.

I can say proudly, that although I am probably still a little over cautious when it comes to my health I am no longer irrational. What really pushed me is when everytime my little boy had a sniffle, spot or whatever he would say I need to go to Doctors, I realised I needed to change or I would pass my anxiety to him.

Good luck love,


I am in that place I am terrified of driving long distances alone etc as I think something will happen to me especially heart attack...I don't want to go back on citalopram ..is it possible to book CBT privately and what actually does it involve ?? I need to cure this once and for all ....only been affected for 2 years and i just want to feel normal again xx


14-09-11, 19:52
Hi Jo,

I got referred by my GP but believe you can book this privately. CBT is about changing the way you think and challenging the beliefs in your mind.

To do this you have to take yourself out of your comfort zone, ie for me when I went to the gym I had to push myself on the treadmill etc and watch my heart rate rise to a high rate then watch it come back down again. The more I did this the more comfortable I became. I also had to keep a diary of feelings, symptoms etc and not go to the doctors about them, I would then go back to this diary and reflect that actually I was still here and although I felt like that at the time I had not died.

I can't recommend this form of treatment enough, it changed my life so much. I am able to enjoy things, look forward to things and I now remember the feeling of excitement which is something I never did before.

I went to Disneyland in April and went on all the scary rides without a single thought of having a heart attack or a catastrophe happening.

Good luck love, if you want to ask anything else I will regularly check back to reply.

Tracey x

jo h
15-09-11, 08:56
Hi Tracey

Thank you for your post ..it sounds like just what I need ..I will look into it ...I am scared of doing too much exercise for that very reason although I know it would do me good ....I don't want to put too much pressure on my heart :(

Thanks you have lifted me already today

Have a good day

Jo :D xx

15-09-11, 18:46
No problem, that's exactly how I felt, I was convinced I would have a heart attack. Where I live they do an exercise on referral programme where your Doctor can refer you, it was low cost (free if on benefits) and I was also given a health professional to support me in sessions until I was confident to be there on my own.

Can't tell you what a difference it has made and urge you to push yourself, I know how terrifying it can be to be consumed by thoughts of dying and how you can't think of anything else, I don't physically and mentally check my body at all now and my Doctor will be pleased to say he rarely sees me now.

You can do it love.
