View Full Version : Wax in ear

11-09-11, 21:07
Hey, I think I might have wax build up in ear as I have had ear pain, ringing in ears and can't hear properly. I have a doctors appointment in the morning which I'm nervous about as I keep thinking it's a tumour or something serious. I have been using olive oil drops and the ear pain has gone now but I still have ringing in ears and cant hear properly. Any ideas what's going on? Is this normal? Could it be serious?

Please reply
Love Louise x

11-09-11, 21:44
Sounds like wax , the doctor can also clean you ears for you.
i get blocked ears and my ears ring really loud, they always ring anyways but it's much worse when there is wax in my ears.
it does seem to clear up on it's own.
Ear ringing is very common i wouldn't worry too much about it, i know lots of people who get it :)

11-09-11, 22:28
Louise - you have another thread on the go about this that we replied to.

I said go to to the docs and get the ears syringed.

It is not a tumour

12-09-11, 14:19
mine was the same and i got my ear syringed and it went away. its come back again now in the other ear, so need to get it done again. its quite a pleasant experience. i was surprised x

12-09-11, 14:37
Hey went to doctors and my ears are full of wax. The doctor told me to try sodium bicarbonate drops and if that doesn't work I can have them syringed. Anyone used sodium bicarbonate drops?

Love louise

12-09-11, 15:05
i have had the same (word for said) and he gave me bi-carb drops too! i have ringing in the ears too and earwax! its a nightmare but at least it is a genuine symptom of your body and not a symptom of anxiety! they are less messy than the olive oil and cause some pops and crackles in the ear! good stuff.

did he say the tinnitus would clear or is it a wait and see job?

12-09-11, 15:08
The doc said the tinnitus should clear up when the wax has gone

12-09-11, 15:39
I am still using the olive oil - didn't know about the bi-carb.

12-09-11, 20:44
mine was the same and i got my ear syringed and it went away. its come back again now in the other ear, so need to get it done again. its quite a pleasant experience. i was surprised x

I had the same procedure done as well. Mine is due to ear wax build up from a ruptured ear drum..the little area is sunken a tad and ear wax builds up in it..sorry tmi, lol!!

I'm sure the doctor will perform a similar procedure..and fyi it's a painless solution! Best of luck..

13-09-11, 06:31
It happens mostly more and more cleaning of ear by putting something in ears. Don't put water or any oil in the ear to avoid pain. Try medicated ear drops and go to doctor to remove the wax from your ear.

16-09-11, 23:34
Hey again so I've been using the sodium bicarb ear drops for a few days and it seems to be clogging my ears up more. Is this normal?

Please reply
Love louise

16-09-11, 23:51
Louise I am still on the olive oil and can't hear properly lol.

I am going back next week to get mine syringed so I hope I can hear again.

Maybe once you have used it for a bit you can do the same

17-09-11, 00:25
Yea I wanna get mine syringed soon coz I can't stand not hearing properly anymore. If u wanna get them syringed shall I just phone up and make an appointment to get them syringed? Or shall I just book an appointment with doctor?

Love Louise x

17-09-11, 00:32
Louise - I am booking an appointment with the nurse - the doctor's don't do it