View Full Version : MS - convinced I have it!

15-05-06, 21:40

I know there have been a few posts on this recently but the more I read them the more I am concerned that I definitely have it. For the past 14 mnths I have suffered with a few symptoms, the most unbearable ones are the weakness in my arms, legs and hands. I also get severe pain in my lower back and finger joints. I get blurred vision but more recently blurred vision and pain in just my right eye. I have also had numbness in the ball and the toes on my right foot this lasted for about 5weeks and can still be a bit funny now. i have tried telling myself that these are all symptoms of aniexty yet it never seems to help. I have had the weak sensation now for about 5/6 mnths constantly and I believe most people with symptoms of aniexty have wierd sensations on and off but not continuely. Anyway after countless visits to the drs I have now been referred to a neurologist, however my appointment isn't for about 10/12 weeks. IThe problem is I am just ready for them to confirm my fear and 10 weeks seems like such a long time. It is really getting me down as I have already forseen myself in a wheelchair and imagined breaking the news to my family, I just feel like I can't cope with this anymore. If it was just aniexty surely the symptoms would let up especially when your not feeling particularly anxious.

Babydoll xx

15-05-06, 22:34
Hi Babydoll
I'm sure you know this already but the more you worry the more your symptoms are going to be there! All of the symptoms you are getting there are people who have them, i had a lump in my throat for 4 months, no break at all. I too have lower back pain and my big toe went numb for about 3 months, due to a trapped nerve!! I think its good that your dr has referred you but I'm sure it is to set your mind at rest. Don't picture yourself in a wheelchair and odn't read anymore about symptoms it doesn't help at all, just feeds your anxiety sweetie, I've been there and its not nice. Just because you don't feel anxious doesn't mean you won't have symptoms, the body takes ages to 'come down' if you are prone to bouts of anxiety, plus you are anxious as you are worrying about MS, so it may be a bit of a vicious circle. Keep positive.
Take care


'This too will pass'

16-05-06, 14:07
Hi there, am so sorry you are feeling so bad right now. As has been said it is good you have been referred, that will put your mind at rest. My best friend was diagnosed with MS a few years back, she also suffers with anxiety, and I can assure she is not in a wheelchair and leads a very active life, when the anxiety allows. take care and try not to worry (if only eh?) xx

16-05-06, 18:53

MS doesnt normally present like this with all these symptoms its usually a slow deterioration of function in a part of or area of the body,thats probably why your doc has taken so long to refer you, what you have sounds more like anxiety related aches and pains.If it were MS causing your symptoms you would be in a more advanced state of the disease and you would be in no doubt that this is what you were suffering from please try and relax and find a way to deal with your anxiety which in turn will ease your symptoms. I too have suffered from these symptoms that you are describing and more in the past but they have all gone now that i have learned how to cope with my anxiety, i hope this helps

I just want my life back

18-05-06, 11:37

I have been getting pins and needles in my fingers, hands, arms, feet and legs and also some numbness. I was also out of my mind with worry especially when a doctor suggested that it may be neurological. Fortunately (thank goodness) due to my husbands work we have private medical insurance and I was able to get an appointment with a neurologist this week. After extensive and very thorough physical tests he informed me that I have a pinched nerve in me left hand/arm and that this can cause lesser symptoms in my right hand/arm! He said that I definately did not have MS or a brain tumour. My health anxiety being what it is (oh, the joys!) I am not entirely convinced but at the end of the day I have to accept that he was a consultant with many, many years experience under his belt and he knew better than me. I do feel a bit better now and guess what, the tingling is not as bad as it was...

He did tell me to try to get on top of my anxiety and to get the book by Claire Weeks as apparently this explains nervous conditions very well.

If you can afford it then I would consider a private consultation, it's not too expensive considering the peace of mind you would have.

"Anxiety is evil!"