View Full Version : Constant thinking about one thing

11-09-11, 22:20
Hi All,

First time I have written anything. I guess my problem is common, I constantly think and worry about things. If a problem arises I will focus on that one thing. for example, i have a new project at work and all i can do is think and worry about it from the second i get up. i think that i will fail, i think i have too much to do etc. But the worst part is that I don't actually do anything - instead i just worry about things. That i will do something wrong and get sacked etc.

Another habit of mine is when i worry about something i will go overboard, for example i have brought over 20 books on anxiety and borrowed a futher 10 from the library but i have no read a single one. I worry that I do not have book x and i go buy it but i never read it.

What is that about?

11-09-11, 22:38
Hi and welcome to the forum.
Of course you don't get anything done, You have already convinced yourself you've failed in your mind so what the hell is the point in trying at all! Been there myself!

You said it yourself, it's a habit! It takes time to make one and it will take time to break it but you can do it!
Change your thinking process by interjecting a positive when you think a negative thought!
"i think i have too much to do"
Add to that...
"Well I won't get any of it done sitting here worrying about it!"

Make a list if you are a procrastinator like I am ;)
But don't make a huge list that you will never get done because that's just asking to fail!
Write a list that is both productive and pushes you but isn't over-reaching what you can actually accomplish!
And if you don't get it all done....there's always tomorrow!!!
Don't beat yourself up too much!!
You are one person and regardless of how hard you push, you can't add hours to the day so you will only get so much done!