View Full Version : jaw clench ruining teeth

11-09-11, 23:01
How long does the jaw clenching go on for. My teeth are suffering and i get pain because of it. I been on cit for 12 weeks now. Got to go dentist in oct for filling replacements as worn them down also getting gum shield.

Cathy xx

paula lynne
12-09-11, 09:38
Hi Cathy, the gum shield will help a lot, and get you out of the habit. Jaw clenching will also cause pain in facial and neck muscles, so as soon as you are aware youre doing it, conciously open you mouth and relax your jaw. Im sure this will pass soon, hang in there.
Paula x

12-09-11, 17:25
Thanks for your reply Paula, yes I try and open my mouth when I realize I am doing it. And hope it soon passes.

Cathy xx

12-09-11, 17:38
The gum shield will help, also train your self to rest your tongue between your teeth that way when you clench too hard you will feel it.

12-09-11, 22:39
Or bite Her Tongue off

13-09-11, 13:41
Ha ha ha scary lol xx:ohmy:

13-09-11, 16:51
I also had some Dental Issues, but not from Jaw Cleching ... Dry Mouth ...

The lack of Saliva was causing havoc as the Saliva kills the bacteria ...

Not so bad now .. I used to always have Sugar Free Chewing Gum to generate Saliva ..

The things we have to put up with !!!

13-09-11, 17:02
I know I am still not happy taking citalopram I am thinking of slowly going down to 30mg then staying on that dose for a while then think about going down to 25 and staing on that for a while and just going down very very slowly til none.

This is just me lot's of people seem happy on them as thy do help greatly.

I did the wrong thing last march I just stopped them I won't do that again.

Cathy xx

13-09-11, 17:21
Or bite Her Tongue off


13-09-11, 17:38
I do this terrible. Have ridges along the sides of my cheeks. Never noticed until a dentist pointed it out. I like you try to stop it ehen i notice but think i do it in my sleep. Does your jaw ache? I have terrible one sided headaches in my temple. Do you think it could be from this? I obviously think its a tumor or annurysum x

13-09-11, 17:46
I am in pain with my jaw and neck head I take paracitalmol and it is all to do with taking citalopram nothing else thats why I hate being on them and I certainly dont want to go on another antidepressent

Cathy xx