View Full Version : Pulse on back of head??

11-09-11, 23:12
Hi guys,
I'm having a weird one here- I cam feel my pulse "pulsing" round the back of my head, Inbetween my ears, that area. It also feels very warm. And it feels tingly.
I know it sounds a bit daft but this is really worrying me! It's definitely nOt normal is it!

12-09-11, 10:21
Its a new day and its still here :(
its really concering me now and im feeling more stuff - slight pressure in head, similar to the feeling if your upside down and then turned the right way up, tingly pulsy feeling is still there on the back of my head, it also switches between hot/cold, and its there ALL the time.
Its making me feel incredibly nervous :(
Can anyone relate to this???

12-09-11, 11:35
Does your neck hurt by any chance or ache or is a bit stiff????

I have bad arthritis in neck and I can get all sorts of wonderful scary and weird symptoms from this and one of them is feeling pulsing in back of head and or tingling crawling sensations. I am convincedm y hair is actually moving sometimes but it isn't.

Does it get worse when you go from sitting to standing as this can happen with me when my neck is bad, like I have been turned up side down and back just for a few seconds.

If you still have it in a few days then maybe go to Gp to get blood pressure checked etc but tense neck muscles could be a reason.

12-09-11, 11:43
Hi countrygirl, thanks for your response :)

My neck seems to be perfect, ive never had a problem with it, there seems to be no change either if i go from sitting to standing, but it does feel similar to how you describe, like my hair is moving and the being tuned upside down and back.
Its awful :( funnily enough i just took my bp and it was 110/79 which i think is around normal but that has only reasured me temporarily - i have made an appointment for thursday, dreading it as they keep trying to get me to take anti-d's and i really dont want to take them! Starting to get a slight headache now - blooming typical!!!