View Full Version : light headedness

12-09-11, 10:25
Just wondering if anyone suffers from this due to depression or anxiety. I have bouts of this from time to time where I feel off balance when I move my head and it can last for several days. I can't sleep of a night so maybe I was thinking it was lack of sleep. Just worries me when I get it and I think worrying makes it worse :-( Thank you xxx

12-09-11, 10:27
Are you drinking enough water? I get this when I'm dehydrated but it was also the first sign that my anxiety was getting out of control. I used to notice it when I left the house but was always ok when at home. It has eased since being on betablockers but I think that is because the adrenaline can't get out of control and bring on my many anxiety symptoms!!

Are you on any meds? x

12-09-11, 10:30
Am not on any meds but can relate to the lack of drinking as I dont think I drink enough through the day. I have had several panoc attacks over the last few weeks so its most probably related to that too. I just feel so exhausted all the time !!
Thanks for replying xx

12-09-11, 10:36
My first symptom of being run down was panic attacks and light headedness. Try and up your water intake and get yourself some multivitamins to give your immune system a boost. I ignored the warning signs that I was getting run down and ended up really bad with my anxiety so try and nip it in the bud :) x

12-09-11, 10:41
Thank you, I aprrecaite your advice :) xx

12-09-11, 20:46
hi i get dizzy spells all the time and feelings of a tight head i find its worse when been on a computer to long and when im tired try to get enuff sleep coz not sleeping will make it worse.:)

12-09-11, 20:52
yes i get this too, i just have little moments, my head just spins a bit, can't pinpoint a trigger.
