View Full Version : Thinking maybe....

12-09-11, 13:10
Im thinking maybe panic attatcks I get are just around men? LOL. May sound silly but when Im around guys I like I tend to clam up or get anxious, panicky. I had a massive one last weekend in a bar while out and it scared me. My friend was great with me but i had had red bull, can this affect me??!! I not had any major ones since but this one shook me up! I think where all this has built up I just feel insecure around men and getting in to relationships. Prob all the worrying doesnt help so Im just switching off to men now as much as possible as my mind isnt in the right place!

12-09-11, 16:14
Hello, yes redbull is a very powerful stimulant and has alot of caffeine this could of easily contributed but ofcourse wasn't the only factor. When we have high anxiety and panic, our fears, phobias or infact just mild shyness and nervousness can be magnified. I have always been nervous of lifts and small cramped spaces, but I always used elevators and walked into small shops it was more uncomfortable or I was just slightly more aware of that situation than most, I wouldn't of classed it as anxiety or restricting my life. But when I was at my worst I could never get in 1 or even be in a room with the door shut. Now I'm recovering it's gone back to the way it was uncomfortable not scary. It's something I need to overcome and work on definitely. But anyway sorry for explaining my life story but wanted to make the point of, have you ever been shy or nervous around men ? Even thinking back to when you was without panic attacks and high anxiety?

12-09-11, 18:07
The thing is the majority of my blokes Ive met have been online so I havent really been in a barto find any guy. Only a few in the past. Maybe this could it? So im not used 2 having men just next 2 me staring at me in the same room. Its always been planned to meet up with the guy and knew what was going to happen

12-09-11, 18:49
Anxiety and panic is not complex, remember back years ago before your "so called" anxiety or panic disorder, when you had exams or a important interview you felt anxiety. You did not think much of it because the situation was obvious, it's natural normal expected anxiety in proportion to that event. Since you have developed your so called "illness" ( althou I do not think it an illness ) is you got it in your head that anxiety is bad and wrong and are extremely sensitive and aware you are anxious which in turn adds to your anxiety which can lead to panic. The idea of recovery from our problems is to not ever feel panicky anxious or worried again. But only to feel it in events that warrant it. A nervous anxious time for you is simply meeting or talking to men in this "new situation" is perfectly normal I think 90% of people feel anxious nervous and excited in the same environment including me. that's the problem we face in finally overcoming anxiety disorders is to not to presume that anxiety in normal situations is our disorders or an impending panic attack, but simply what it is "normal"