View Full Version : Beta Blockers

12-09-11, 13:24

I do suffer from GAD and wondered if anyone else may be in the same boat or may have been in the past.

Every day I take 1 x 80mg slow release Propranolol capsule and lately I have been taking two to stop the anxiety symptoms that have resurfaced. Unfortunately, I feel so very tired and I expect it's because they slow down your heart rate.

I know I should talk to my GP and I will, I just wondered if anyone else has had this and what they did to change it. Would another med like tranquillisers be better or am I way off the mark?

Thank you for reading.

12-09-11, 14:51
I think your best bet is to have a word with your gp........ I take propanalol and it doesn't make me tired at all but then everyones different! It might well be something else causing your tiredness like low iron for example and your gp can give you a blood test to rule that out.

12-09-11, 17:34
I presume that your second Propanolol was not prescribed by your doctor, it is not wise to mess about with Beta Blockers so please stick to how your doctor advised you to take them if he said only take one. Propanolol is not cardiac selective like atenolol but even so it still can with big doses affect your heart rate adversely.

12-09-11, 18:17
I take the 80mg extended release once a day and at first it used to make me so sleepy.
It takes the edge off my anxiety and my doc said I can take two but as one still knocks me out sometimes I think two would turn me into a zombie. Lol. Your body should get used to the stronger dose though so tiredness should pass. Best to check with your GP :)

Hazel B
12-09-11, 20:12
Def check with your GP and don't mess with the dosage. Slow release will double up the effects.

I had 40mg x 3 times daily and I did start to feel a bit "cloudy" but to be honest that was way better than anxiety.

Take care.:)