View Full Version : This time it's ovarian cancer fears...

12-09-11, 14:37
I've been doing so well, other than a breast lump scare in June I had no health anxiety issues and hadn't posted on here since November. Just over a week ago I went to the doctor about bladder aching. She couldn't see infection in the sample, but said there was trace of blood. Gave me antibiotics anyway which I've now taken and didn't really make a lot of difference. I've still got urinary frequency and bowel issues as well (IBS type symptoms). Also had quite a painful period last week. I started worrying about bladder cancer, but then after making the mistake of googling, I started to read that bladder and IBS type symptoms, along with pelvic pain, can mean ovarian cancer. I've had pelvic pain and bowel issues on and off for about 18 months now and get bladder issues every now and then too. Went off pill 2 months ago and have had 2 normal periods, other than being quite light. Feeling really bloated and have put on a weight around my tummy/waist which isn't usual for me.

Going for pelvic scan tomorrow night and GP also got me to do another urine test which he's sending off, as well as getting me to have swab test. Had pelvic scan April last year which was fine. Also had smear test, swab tests and a colonoscopy a year ago which were all fine.

Now the health anxiety has kicked in though, I'm thinking all these bowel and bladder things on top of the pelvic pain I've now got all add up to ovarian cancer. The sensible side of me says it's probably something minor since I had all those tests last year and there was nothing wrong - plus the fact I had aches and pains last year and then only minor bladder and bowel issues this year up to just a couple of weeks ago. However I can't help thinking something serious has now cropped up since last year, or they missed it last year.

I turned 32 in June, maybe I'm just dealing with hormonal changes! Fingers crossed for the scan tomorrow as feeling very scared.

12-09-11, 19:35
I'm sure your scan will be fine tomorrow. Did you know that IBS can cause bladder trouble so the chances are that your problems are ibs related rather than anything nasty.

The scan would def show up anything that needed to be investigated further in the gyny dept.

Let us know how you get on.:hugs:

13-09-11, 22:39
Thanks for the message. I had scan tonight and basically she said there's nothing nasty. Was just done by sonographer, it was not referred to a doctor so hope that's ok. She did say though that my ovaries were quite 'bulky', she said because they had quite a few follicles - not really sure what all this means. The report says my uterus is a bit small and ovaries a bit larger but no masses or fluid or anything nasty that shouldn't be there. I asked if she meant I had polysystic ovaries and she no but to have another scan in a few months (as just came off pill a couple of months ago) and see what's going on then. I've noticed in comparing report from last April to this one today that ovaries are definitely bigger than they were then, and also that last year's report says I had 'retroverted' (tilted) uterus and today's says it's anteverted. Can a uterus change position? I'm a bit confused. Glad to hear she didn't see anything horrible as says no masses or free fluid, but sounds like I should see a Gyny now perhaps, and still don't know what's causing my bloating and urinary problems (but perhaps just the IBS afterall!) If anyone has any thoughts re scan info would be interested to hear!