View Full Version : Gall Stones

12-09-11, 15:11
My dad has Gall stones and he's having an attack right now. So far it has lasted 12 hours and i'm so worried there might be a complication. He wont go to the doctors or hospital because he says he know's it's an attack and it will pass but i'm scared. He's in pain on his right side and he has bouts of vomiting.
Does anyone have any experience of gall stone pain lasting this long and do you know of any home remedies to help with the pain/vomiting?

Thank you :)

12-09-11, 16:50
hi Becca, I would advise that your dad DOES go to see a Dr or to the hospital asap. I don't want to frighten you but this happened to me and it was a gallstone moving, they can lodge in a tube and become inflamed or infected. If this is what's happened to your dad then he should be given some strong painkillers and antibiotics. They can't do much more whilst there is inflammation. I was advised to have my gallbladder removed, which I did, and I haven't looked back. No more worry and I can eat whatever I like! Good luck to your Dad x

Hazel B
12-09-11, 17:56
Hi, in my experience there is nothing apart from morphine that takes away the pain of gallstones and that stuff is nasty.

The only thing that cured all the pain for me was having my gallbladder removed. There are many "quack" remedies online but I don't trust any of them.

I do agree with Tish, if your Dad's temperature goes up he will need to see a doctor. I never had an all out attack like his, just awful pain, but I know if his temperature goes up there's an infection.

I am so glad I had the operation, it was day surgery and although I stick to low fat I can eat more and sleep at night now. The pain stopped me sleeping from midnight to 3 pm every night.

Hope he gets well soon.

12-09-11, 18:04
Yes get him to see a doctor just to get checked as he dosent want a stone to get stuck in the bile duct. The problem with gall stones is that on some occasions if the stones get stuck in the wrong place you can get Pancreatitis, something you certainly want to avoid so get him checked soonest especially if the pains change in nature particularly to central and back.

12-09-11, 19:31
A gall bladder attack that lasts longer than 8-10 hrs needs to be monitered as it could mean a stone stuck in the bile duct and if so your Dad will turn very yellow and this can damage the liver. They don't do anything active while the attack is bad other than pain relief and then ultrasound scan, if a stone is found to lodged in duct then they can remove it with a camera down throat and then later on they will remove gall bladder to prevent it happening again.

Let us know how things are.

If your dad refuses to see a Dr and he does turn yellow then drag him if necessary to a Dr!

12-09-11, 19:54
Thankyou for the replies. Dad is feeling a lot better, he has stopped being sick and he says the pain is much less intense than earlier so I hope the attack is over. He doesn't have a temperature and he isn't yellow but I am still scared he might have a stone stuck somewhere. He has an appointment to see a consultant in 2 days time so hopefully he can get this sorted out once and for all! Thankyou all again x

Hazel B
12-09-11, 19:56
Glad he's over the worst. I really sympathise it is an awful thing. I'd rather have my wisdom teeth taken out again!

Hope it goes well with the consultant. :)

15-09-11, 16:46
Thanks hazel,
Just wanted to update everyone. My dad started to feel better, but then got a terrible back pain. My mum and I managed to get him to make a doctors appointment which he went along to and he actually got examined by the doctor. He said all his pains are just part and parcel of the gall stones, he didn't think there was anything else going on.
The following day he went to the hospital to see the consultant (pre-arranged appointment) who decided it was best to remove his gall bladder as he was getting so much pain. He put him down as an urgent case and said there were no available slots but if there was a cancellation he'd be informed. He also said dad has an enlarged artery running up his body and he ought to see the cardiologist to check it hasn't got bigger/nothing needs to be done. He found out about the enlarged artery months ago, at the time his GP said it was a bit early to refer him and it was the old scan that the consultant was looking at.
The following day he has had a phone call to say they can fit him in for his gall bladder surgery in 2 weeks time. Now I'm worrying that they have rushed him because they think he's very, very ill (like an emergency). I know I am probably being silly but I just seem to go into panic mode and get shakey whenever something happens.
The gall bladder surgery is only day surgery and the Dr said in 94% of cases it's straight forward and the patient is allowed home straight after, but I am really worried because my dad is 76 and taking high blood pressure tablets and now he has this enlarged artery :(

Hazel B
15-09-11, 18:20
They have said he would get a cancelleaiton and that's what happened. It's good as he's getting well cared for and not left in pain. This means they see the level of pain and risk of infection as high but not enough for immediate life-threatening issues where suregry is required ASAP. It is a routine operation and the stats are good. Mine was keyhole surgery, this is used in most cases but they do warn you they may have to go invasive on the day if needs be - it's all on the sheet you sign before surgery.

I also had back and neck pain.

Your Dad will be called in for a "pre-op" assessment where his other health concerns can be covered. They take swabs for MRSA, weight, blodd pressure and blood tests to check your liver and full blood count.

Try not to worry too much and be strong for your Dad.:)

15-09-11, 19:06
Thank you Hazel. I know you are totally right but I just worry about everything.

He is having keyhole surgery too, they said it's day surgery but warned him if they need to go invasive he will be in hospital for longer.

It's made me feel a lot better to talk to somebody who has gone through the same procedure, so thank you again :)

15-09-11, 19:14
Also don't worry too much about his enlarged aorta, they have already picked it up on a scan and not done anything so it must be within the watch and wait range. My uncle had a 6cm aortic aneurysm picked up in his 70's and it never got any bigger with him he just had a scan once a year. I think as long as its under 7-8 cms they leave well alone and just moniter yearly.

REally good he is getting his op sooner , all being well he will be in and out in no time.

Hazel B
15-09-11, 21:57
No probs I'm happy to help. This site helped me get over anxiety and I try to advise if I feel I know a bit.

Gallstones are really painful, one lady in my ward told me she'd rather have another baby than gallstone pain, so having the op will relieve all that suffering.:)