View Full Version : Help anyone?

12-09-11, 16:36
Hello my names joe im 24 and have been suffering badly from anxiety/panic for nearly 6 years now and am really struggling.i have had deppression from about the age of 15 and was prescribed fluoxatine which i took for years. when i was 18 i had a motorbike crash and started having panic attacks and really bad anxiety. the doctor diagnosed me with having p.t.s.d. he recommended me to group therapy and i went maybe 5 or 6 times and it didnt work. i'm not sure how much damage iv'e done myself either because i smoked weed and abused other drugs heavily and drank from age 14 to about 21. but i have now not drank or had anytype of drug for 3 years now. i thought stopping all this would solve my problems but it seems not. i have not took fluoxitine for about 2 years either. i don't know what to do and am at a complete loss. any help/advice would be massively apreciated. (sry if this is in the wrong section, im new and wasn't sure where to post this).

12-09-11, 19:42
Hi Joe, I think the straight forward answer is : go and see your GP.
Your story sounds complex I think maybe that's why no-body has replied, it's difficult to give advice sometimes when you dont fully understand the situation we don't want to give you misguided advice.
Well done on coming off drugs that's a remarkable thing to do, it does't surprise me though that doing this didn't solve your problems your mind hangs on to things VERY well and it is a case sometimes of getting your brain to actively UNlearn some things.
So I would definitley go to see your GP and ask for a referral to a pyschologist who will be trained to give your the right advice.
Before you go to your GP, a good idea is to write down some notes about what you want to say.
So describe the problems you are having, how long these have been going on, how they affect your daily life, treatment you've had in the past and what you'd like to do about it. Sometimes GP's tend to throw medicines at you when in fact a talking therapy would do more good. So rather than be caught off guard and just leave with a prescription, ask the GP about therapy and see if he thinks it would be helpful.
I really hope you find relief so you can start living the life you want
Best wishes