View Full Version : Wedding nerves or something more?

Silly Blonde
16-05-06, 09:03
Further to my post yesterday - I'm getting married next Friday and am feeling absolutely dreadful!!!

Felt sick and really tired and achey all day yesterday, don't feel as sick today, but had bad sh**s this morning and now feel really awful - the lower part of my body is aching and feels really heavy (hope that makes sense!) (back and stomach) and feel really tired, even though I had an early night. Really annoyed with myself, as I had acupuncture last night and it usually helps loads :(

And to top it off, I'm off to see Take That tonight and the way I'm feeling now - I just want to crawl under my duvet and not come out!

Am I being a Silly Blonde again????

16-05-06, 09:18
It's just stress hun.
It is perfectly naturel to feel this way so close to the day.
I know I feel like complete poo when it comes to it.

Seeing Take That tonight is crazy, are you nuts arranging something so close, I would be running around like a mad woman!!!!! But when you get there you will have fun and it will take your mind off things! So enjoy it!

Over the next few days, take lots of baths, try and relax (i know this will be hard as you have prob got loads to do)
Maybe book a massage or facial some pampering to try and chill you out.

Thinking of you this week. It will be great. enjoy it x

Hay x

Silly Blonde
16-05-06, 09:24
I went to see them a couple of weeks ago with my other half - however this time I entered a competition and won!!!! So I didn't plan it!!! And yes you're right - I am running around like a nutter!! Everything is pretty much done - but that still doesn't stop me stressing!!

SB xx

16-05-06, 18:09
You're going to see Take That - I'm so jealous - blow Jason Orange a kiss for me!!
Sorry to hear you're still not feeling great. Have a good night tonight and then try and get lots of rest and TLC over the next week then you'll be ready for a fab day next Friday.
Love Helen

17-05-06, 16:05
soooo sounds like really bad nerves.

go and let the lads take your mind of it
