View Full Version : electicouted myself x

12-09-11, 21:11
ok advice please people
i was unplugging my ps3 and got a electric shock where the current went up my arm and my arm went funny and i screamed. i was ok afterwards juist shook up, so rang nhs direct who advised me to go to a and e for ecg but taht i ahd passed my saftey questions and there wasnt a risk of me dying. I aid i couldnt get to a and e so the out of hours doctor rang me he said that as it was ovber a hour agao and that i hadnt felt ill or anything and that i seemed fine apart from the horrid feelings in my arm that i was fine and didnt need a ecg.

im now worrying on who do i believe and what do i do. he said watch for bnurn marks in my hand/arm and if they come then in need to go through but that he was 100 per cent sure i would be alive.

im still shook up thouigh and scared taht i could die x

12-09-11, 21:15
My husband is electrician or was so can reassure you that if you don't die at the time you get shock then you are almost certainly not going to as the electric shock would have put your heart into a fatal rhythm immediately and it cannot do it later. The out of hours doc advice is the one to listen to - nhs direct is google in disguise as its only an operator or nurse following a computer programme which always errs on worst casse scenario.

It could take days for the weird arm feelings to go away and as Dr says if you discover burn mark then get it checked at a and e in case it needs dressing.

Do you know why you got the shock??

12-09-11, 21:19
no not got a clue why im ringing someone out tmoz just left well alone for now.

thank you hunni so much, i asked the nhs to explaib what they were syaing co they were saying i was fine but that my heart could have gone into a different rythm and ive never heard of this i kepty asking what she ment and she just kept saying i should go to a and e.

the doctor ob phone said taht if it didnt happen straight away then wont. issue is im now scared that it could have caused damage tio my heart and i will diwe when lest expect it, ui.e from ryunning walking etc x

you ure that if your going to die from a electric shock it happens straight away not delayed lol it was 3 nhours ago now.
te,mpted to pop to docs tmoz to be reassuared thanks to nhs direct lol

12-09-11, 21:23
That happened me more than once.
Were your hands damp ? Or maybe replace the plug.
I have a plug extender thing, I don't use it any more after it gave me a bad shock and I saw blue light and sparks flying out of the socket.
I'm pretty sure you will be ok, problems usually arise right after a shock because it can change your heart rate , so there's no reason anything would happen now.

12-09-11, 21:29
yes see it wasnt really a bad one i overreacted cos of my anxiety.

please can soemone explain what is ment by the terms that my rythm wouild change?

im worrying taht it has changed and something miht happen which causes me to have geart attack etc from it very confused right now

12-09-11, 21:37
It is as country girl says. Nhs direct are trained nurses who follow set questions and as they cant actually see you err on the side of caution. But they probably know all is ok really as your heart would go straight into a different rhythm but as the computer advises ecg they have to say this. They would refer you to out of hours to cover theirselves and as he wasnt actually following a computer programme could give you his own advice. Hope this makes sense. For examle my little girl had terrible exzama. I had tried everything and one night she was screaming and it was so raw. Phoned nhs direct just to see if they cojld think of anything i hadnt. But didnt get past the does the rash fade under a glass. No it didnt because it was exzama but she wouldnt have it. I was saying i know what you think it is and its not!!! Had tl beg her not phone 999 by promising we would take her ourselves. We didnt but imagine the paramedics face coming out to that. Sorry for going on but just trying to say how nhs direct work. And any worrying symptoms wojld have bene obvious by now even though your arm may feel funny for a while

12-09-11, 21:41
You would know if your heart rythm had changed. It would jumping all over the place and you would feel very ill at the least. Im sure it happens immediately

12-09-11, 21:42
thank you i understand i think nowe.

like the doctor was adamant i would live and he said that the rythm would have happened and i would feel ill straight away and that if your going to die it happenes straight away.

and nhs direct said i passed their saftey questions and didnt see any real danger the guy actually said he had done iot before. he eventually put me through to a nurse cos i was soo upset.
basically theh there wasnt anything wrong and still isnt but nhs have to advise a ecg has their screen says they should na dthey need to cobver their backs where a gp is talking more from his own knoweledge and ad the freedom to say things whee as nhs direct are i suppose scripted?

12-09-11, 21:50
Thats it, even though they are nurses there points that flag up on the computer so it is like a scripted answer really. It would happen straight away and you would know. The gp gave a more genuine answer. And again remember they dont want to loose thier jobs so if they thought an ecg was needed would recommend it especially as you specially mentioned it and had been advised by another health proffesional. Hope you feel calmer xx stupid anxiety always something!

12-09-11, 21:57
so its safe then i will defo survive. i might nip to docs tmoz for them to give me once other x

12-09-11, 22:14
ok i understand!!!!! ok if there was going to be any damage to me it would be instant and my heart symptoms would have been instant, becuase the electric current etc would have done damage instantkly. by now its left me and did near enouigh straight away. she ment by ecg that just to be checked that i and they wasnt missing anything. but doc could tell by the way i was describing myself etc and the way i was talking etc that my heart hadnt been affected? as i would have felt ill xx
i keep thinking well the people who have always had heart rythkm problems dont no so maybe i wouldnt ni but this is wrong cos they will have always had that so known no diff where as my heart and body wuld notice diffeence majing me ill

12-09-11, 22:52
IF the shock changed your heart rhythm at the time of the shock then you would not be posting on here cos you would be dead - I am not trying to sound brutal here but you seem to have trouble understanding what the Dr said and what we are saying on here so please don't take this the wrong way but I am trying to make it as clear as I can what we all mean. HOpe this helps you understand and please don't take offense.

You either survive an electric shock or you don't. If your heart rhythm is altered enough to be dangerous then you are not conscious. Sometimes someone can have an electric shock and be unconscious because their heart rhythm is wrong and the hospital or paramedics can shock them back to normal rhythm BUT they would not be conscious at all during this.

If you are conscious then you are fine heart wise.

12-09-11, 22:54
oohh no i dont take offense hunni xx yeah i believ this too just bloody nhs direct put the frighteners in me.
i will be ok thank you for your help xx

Gemma T
12-09-11, 22:56
Ive always been taught that if its the type to make you jump away you neednt worry but if its the type where you hold on and continuously shake then go to the hospital.

In your case your arm is just gonna hurt a little but you wont die. I did the same on a loose wire on the hoover and when switching on a light which had a loose wire. Arm ached but Im still here years later.

x x x

12-09-11, 23:14
aww thank you hunni that helps alot you have all helped xx

13-09-11, 08:02
I have electrocuted myself plenty of times. Basically if it doesnt kill you when the shock happens, you will be fine