View Full Version : you are the cure!!

kayes life
16-05-06, 09:35
Hey ya'll,i'm new to this so bear with me ok..? Just thought i'd share my experiences with you.I've been reading this forum for a few days now and some of the posts are so touching.I've suffered from anxiety,panic and sometimes depression for 15 years now on and off but there's something i'd like to share with all of you:There is no doctor or shrink or magic tablet that will take it away,THE CURE COMES FROM WITHIN YOU and nowhere else.After trying everything known to man over the years, we have to realise that fighting it through clenched teeth DOES NOT WORK,as difficult as it is you just have to go with it and accept it,ACCEPTANCE is the key cos soon as you start to accept the fear will gradually subside.As you know,it is your fear that keeps that horrible raging fire burning.I'm not saying it ever goes away but you can learn to cope a lot better if you have another blip.I'm also saying that it is not easy by any means and that is coming from someone who has picked herself up off the floor more than once.If youre a chronic sufferer you'll know that youve tried fighting it and it doesn't work so isn't it time to try something else..? Please let me know your thoughts on this and keep ya chin up!! Kaye xx

16-05-06, 10:30
I think you're right, but we all want a magic pill in the middle of panic attack don't we? I'm not sure if I've accepted it but i have learnt to cope with it, and in some ways prevent/postpone it. It is all about cultivating a positive attitude and actively relaxing yourself. The mind is a powerful thing.

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

kayes life
16-05-06, 10:45
Remember mr billybongywhatsisname will only get the better of you if you let him!!:D

16-05-06, 10:48
hi kaye,yes iagree ,but it is sooo hard isn't it.I am not as reliant on pills or booze as i was,and have had no therapists or treatments,so i know that it comes from within somewher!I love the 'BINBONGILYPOOP'off mr monkey,that is brilliant and intend to plagerise it right now ,cant stop smilin!!Love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

kayes life
16-05-06, 10:55
Hi mary rose,yes i think havivg a funny name for it can literally change the way you think about it so if it works it can only be a good thing.By the way billybongywotsisname is not even worth wasting energy on anyway,doesn't deserve any thought if you ask me!! Kaye xxx KEEP YA CHIN UP WOT YA YOU'LL GET THERE I PROMISE!!:D

16-05-06, 11:02
I agree and the sooner we are willing to accept this and pro-actively seek to resolve it the better.
Its surely does seem counter-intuitive to our minds.. we want to know there is a magic bullet or someone will tell us a 'secret'.

Well.. do you know whats funny is that there is a guy touting a course like its a 'magic key' or a 'secret to unlock it' - but the very first thing you find out in his course is that ITS YOU.

Its not a mental disease, its not a physical disease.. its US DOING IT.

Whether its Bronwyn Fox or Lucinda Basset or Charles Linden... any of these former long term sufferers turned therapist - they all say the same thing - It was THEM doing it.

What we do after that (including getting help and advice, God willing) is another story.

*Probably should note that there are real symptoms from drug withdrawal so thats the exception I suppose.
if you are withdrawing from Paxil or Sedative type drugs.

16-05-06, 12:05
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I love the 'BINBONGILYPOOP'off mr monkey,that is brilliant and intend to plagerise it right now ,cant stop smilin!!
<div align="right">Originally posted by mary rose - 16 May 2006 : 11:48:43</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

That's exactly what I intended it so please do! The more the merrier!


PS. I was gonna call him fred but decided it wasn't a silly enough name :)

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

16-05-06, 13:14
got a queston,when binbongilypoop strikes out of the blue,for no apparent reason and you sniff your lavender,try breathing properly,etc etc,and you still feel like you gunna die[again!!]how do you let go and accept wat is happening to you[or what you are doing to your self]or am i asking 4 the secret that doesn;'t exist?? love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

16-05-06, 13:52
just wonderin- umm so do you still suffer?? i completely agree with you and because of my possitive attitude i am well on me way to recovery - touch wood!!!! just wonderin if u have managed to get control of it??

16-05-06, 15:16
I have been trying 4 years and its so difficult isnt it,
today i went to the post office to post of some parcels (3 parcels)
it was empty when i arrived and i was doing okish but as soon as a que formed behind me I found myself panicking came home cried and now im off to the school to collect kids .....
they say expose yourself to your fears every day but everyday it feels more and more difficult ???

Does anyone else find this?


marie ross
16-05-06, 16:20
Hi Kaye

Yes, i accept that these fears i have are not real and i have no reason why i should have them, but it does'nt make it any easier to get rid of them (i wish!!!) I've tried putting myself in many positions that i'm scared of (Queues, crowded places, empty places!!!), but when the feelings overwhelm me its just too much and i run off scared and upset. I know nothing bad will happen to me, but at the moment i'm just not strong enough to accept them, hopefully in time i will accept them and my life will get a lot easier.

Mirry - I can totally understand how you feel, if theres a queue i won't stand in it, but if i'm on my own and other people stand behind me, i can't cope, i can't even look behind me to see how many people are there!!! I've been collecting my kids from school now for 2 years with this horrible panic disorder and every day i feel sick and shaky, how long do you have to put yourself in situations before it gets easier????

kayes life
16-05-06, 17:19
Hi mary rose,i have no hidden secrets but just practise this for me;when the dreaded strikes whether you were expecting it or not,just go forward into it,dont try to fight it,just relax to the best of your ability and i promise you the panic will subside then try to carry on with whatever youre doing at the time.Sounds impossible i know, but i once read that the cure from panic lies on the other side of panic and that thought has stuck with me ever since.Keep practising and let me know,i'm always here if you need to chat.Kaye xxxxxxx:D

kayes life
16-05-06, 17:26
Hi ammeg,ive suffered on and off for 15 years but by accepting it and not trying to fight it,it does make it easier when it strikes again.As i said earlier we've tried to fight it for years and it just doesnt work so its time to try something else.Ive had a s*** few days but that doesnt mean i'm going to be ill again,it just means im having a s*** few days!! love Kaye xxx KEEP SMILING:D

kayes life
16-05-06, 17:32
Hi ammeg,ive suffered on and off for 15 years but by accepting it and not trying to fight it,it does make it easier when it strikes again.As i said earlier we've tried to fight it for years and it just doesnt work so its time to try something else.Ive had a s*** few days but that doesnt mean i'm going to be ill again,it just means im having a s*** few days!! love Kaye xxx KEEP SMILING:D

16-05-06, 17:42
Hi Kaye - I agree it is down to us and it is hard work! I accepted my symptoms for what they were and am now recovering. I also found getting out and carrying on with life helped, even when I felt dreadful, the more I did normal everyday things the easier it got. Well done to you for having such a positive attitude.
Love Helen

kayes life
16-05-06, 17:49
Helen,keep on truckin girl and keep up the good work!! Kaye xxx[8D]
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Kaye - I agree it is down to us and it is hard work! I accepted my symptoms for what they were and am now recovering. I also found getting out and carrying on with life helped, even when I felt dreadful, the more I did normal everyday things the easier it got. Well done to you for having such a positive attitude.
Love Helen

<div align="right">Originally posted by giddy - 16 May 2006 : 18:42:25</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

16-05-06, 17:55
Hi Kaye, thanks for sharing that. Totally agree with you, it is just hard at times isn't it? Acceptance and calm work for me it just takes me a while to get there, when I do the symptoms start to ease but not always as quick as I'd like!! Well done for overcoming and sharing yuor experiences.


'This too will pass'

kayes life
16-05-06, 18:05
Hi daisybun,i know how hard things get believe me and i'm having a s*** few days at the minute but true acceptance really is the key,its just like you say it takes a while to get there but we're all there for each other in times of need,just remember that.Keep up the good work!!:D Kaye xxx
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Kaye, thanks for sharing that. Totally agree with you, it is just hard at times isn't it? Acceptance and calm work for me it just takes me a while to get there, when I do the symptoms start to ease but not always as quick as I'd like!! Well done for overcoming and sharing yuor experiences.


'This too will pass'

<div align="right">Originally posted by Daisybun - 16 May 2006 : 18:55:31</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

16-05-06, 18:15
Hiya you lot- you are soooo right. I am like that in queues too - i walk round and round the supermarket with my basket till there is an empty checkout and I DONT look behind me coz if I see people in a queue looking at me I panic and cant wait for the PIN number to go through the machine so I can pack my shoppping and go - its true that you must feel the fear and do it anyway and ride throughit and invite it to do its worse but saying and doing are 2 diff things - when I try and end up hyperventilating and going red and dizzzy ... still keep on at it all of you xx Wenjoy

16-05-06, 19:33
Hi Kaye

I totally agree with you about the cure comes from within, fter being sucidal at one point I now consider myself cured and it was largely down to me, however, i have a reservation, some people require the initail help that meds gove them so that they can face the problem and work out a cure for them selves. So even though its a case of physcian heal thyself, its tempered with but physcian heal thyself but have some support until you can face the cure.


kayes life
16-05-06, 22:32
Hi Keith,yes i do agree that some people need meds and i strongly encourage that aswell.My personal experiences were that meds didnt work for me but that doesnt mean they wont work for others.Well done by the way for getting there in the end.Keep it up wont ya.Kaye x
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Kaye

I totally agree with you about the cure comes from within, fter being sucidal at one point I now consider myself cured and it was largely down to me, however, i have a reservation, some people require the initail help that meds gove them so that they can face the problem and work out a cure for them selves. So even though its a case of physcian heal thyself, its tempered with but physcian heal thyself but have some support until you can face the cure.


<div align="right">Originally posted by Keitharcher - 16 May 2006 : 20:33:54</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

28-05-06, 11:42
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hiya you lot- you are soooo right. I am like that in queues too - i walk round and round the supermarket with my basket till there is an empty checkout and I DONT look behind me coz if I see people in a queue looking at me I panic and cant wait for the PIN number to go through the machine so I can pack my shoppping and go - its true that you must feel the fear and do it anyway and ride throughit and invite it to do its worse but saying and doing are 2 diff things - when I try and end up hyperventilating and going red and dizzzy ... still keep on at it all of you xx Wenjoy

<div align="right">Originally posted by Wenjoy - 16 May 2006 : 19:15:09</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

LOL.. yes, i just posted about how I have had EXACTLY the same situation as yourself and just started 'inviting it' in.
It seemed like it 'backfired' on me rather severely but Im still new at the technique.
The first time I tried it I was suddenly too surprised by what are now rarer panic attacks - I forgot what steps I was supposed to be doing.