View Full Version : just wondering? IQ

16-05-06, 11:21
hi all :D
i have had my pa /anxiety for many years, like most of you know almost everthing ever written on the subject..but i was wondering if pa/anxiety could be connected with an above average IQ i dont mean level of education simply IQ ..the people i know with it all have above average IQ the average being 118 (i think) i would be intersted to know if anyone knows theirs? and if its above average ..
i know mine is 134
thanks xxxx

jools xx

16-05-06, 11:43
hi jools

i too have a high IQ - so there maybe something in that then !


........life is for living not just for surviving

16-05-06, 12:03
They say that all geniuses were tortured right? My IQ was 134 last time I tested it. You could well be on to something. Ah to be dumb and ignorant! :D

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

16-05-06, 12:05
i have never worked out my IQ.
How would you go about doing this?
I bet mine is really low, so that would prove you guys wrong....lol

Hay x

16-05-06, 12:08
There's a site called emode.com, though its now called tickle or something silly. Google it. They have an IQ test on there. Thats where i last did mine

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

16-05-06, 12:10
Hey there, i've heard this too! I tested mine on ivillage.com and got a score of 140!! My husband said i must have cheated! (i didn't!)

Love India xx

kayes life
16-05-06, 12:24
Hey jools,everyone in the world who suffers with panic attacks has a massive IQ,couldn't get through it otherwise!!! :D Kaye xxxx

16-05-06, 12:51
about 145 mine is. But i don't use my brain enough that's the problem!

Shiv x

16-05-06, 13:10
I done mine a few years ago online, i cant remember the score but i do know it was just slightly lower than average lol but to be kind to myself i couldnt sit and concentrate because the kids were playing me up arguing.



16-05-06, 13:32
there is a thin line between genius and madness,so i dont want to know,as with my luck i am barmy!!ha ha ha ha.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

16-05-06, 13:47
hmmmm- you may be on to something!!
Me IQ is 146- But thankfully there was no spellin things on there coz then me iq would have been like 5!! lol

16-05-06, 14:01
Just did an IQ test on some silly website.
Am at work so was rushing and had to answer phone in between
apparently the test is timed.
Well i scored 112 (111 - 128 is above average)
so I am just above average.
If you ask me what a load of Bo**ox

Hay x

16-05-06, 14:34
Just did naohter IQ test on another site...........
You can tell im busy at work....lol

and I got 122 figuire that oen out!

Hay x

16-05-06, 15:07
this got a bigger response then i thought! i wondered about the link cos i know we(anxiety lot) tend to look into things alot. i always have, if dont know a subject someone comes up with have to go investigate!! lol no matter what it is.. when you do an IQ test you must be able to concentrate or you wont get your results right..know what you mean about kids distracting you lol ... i only posted this as it was bugging me and i was curious..thanks for replies all.xxx

jools xx

16-05-06, 19:55
Hi Jools

I have womdered about this myself, using the premise that the border between madness and genius is a fine line. My IQ is 185 and i am in no way a genius, but i do have a theory. IQ is the ability to apply thought to solving problems in a variety of differing circumstances. Lateral thinking for example, or high incidence of spatial awarnes. Peopl suffering from pa and depression etc have to overcome a lot of problems. Often conventional forms of attacking a problem dont work and they are still left with their problem. To overcome this problem and to start to unravel a very complicated illines so has to gain semblance of normality (what is normal ?) they have to revert to solving the problem in differing ways so that a (for them) workable solution is obtained. This being the case makes their mind active and sharpens their thought processes and makes their thinking more adapatable.

In short I think their is a link between IQ and the illness, there has to be so we can work our solutions for ourselves.


16-05-06, 20:27
gosh keith you do have a high IQ .. but in regards to your reply ibelieve that pa/anxiety are the result of chemical imbalance in the brain( even scientist only know how a small portion of the brain works) and i think the conection to the higher IQ is that we constanly need to find the reason for unexplained feelings (physical/mental) and when we are unble to , the brain fights harder to find the reason therfore continuing the physical feelings of panic/ anxiety/depreesion.. this makes more sense in my head than it does written down sorry!.lol.anyway thanks again for the replies its all very interesting.xx

jools xx

16-05-06, 23:08
well[i knew kieth was a genius for a start!!]curiosity got the better of me and killed this particular cat,ha ha ha!!First one ,it's official ,iam thick scored 93...NINETY THREE.So did another one,bit better 98[only it said i had very poor short term memory so now i'm convinced i have dementia!!!lol!]Well i tried a 3rd one that had only nine questioins,the shame!As i pressed the result button,it had,,YOU DUMB ASSED B=====D,ARE YOU THAT DUMB THAT YOU THOUGHT 9 QUESTIONS COULD TELL YOU YOUR IQ?....I have laughed at my arrogance all afternoon!!I managed to get thru uni so i guess 98 is ok[well it cant be 93!!ha ha ha!!!]love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

marie ross
17-05-06, 00:25
Hi All,

I've just done the test and got a score of 118 so i guess i'm just average really. Did'nt expect to get that score thought i'd get around 10!!!!! My minds constantly on overdrive, nothing intellectual though just drivvel!!!!! Pounced on my boyfriend when he got in from work (no!!!! just wanted him to do the test as well!!!!) and he scored 122 so he's just a tinsy bit more intelligent but his mind is more stable than mine!!!!!

Marie XXX (Miss Average)

17-05-06, 01:06
hi marie
hun you did make me laugh! when you do IQ test it must be quiet no distractions, and they are daunting if youve never done one before....and they can be addictive trying to better your score i never can though! lol but they are interesting dont you think xxxxx

jools xx

marie ross
17-05-06, 08:52
Hi Jools,

It was the first time i took one, and my 10 year old was constantly looking over my shoulder asking if he could have a go (did'nt let him, he might of got a higher score than me, oh the shame!!!!) But it was interesting and with a bit more time and peace and quiet i might have another sneaky go!!!!

Marie XXX

17-05-06, 09:39

Just done the test !! think i must be as thick as 2 short planks !! scored 109 lol, i got headache now! havent used my brain in months !!!!! best go lay down !!!!!

Love Andrea

17-05-06, 11:23
hun your not thick its not that sort of test! it tests logic skills thats all... marie my fifteen year old does it too she got the same score as me and she wont let me forget it!

jools xx

18-05-06, 10:56
Mine is 138. That's the result I got from the tickle test website, but it's not anything official. Plus I had some language problems, English being my second language ... so I got some of the questions wrong. Not that it matters LOL

I think most people with anxiety based problems are quite intelligent, refined and sensitive.

18-05-06, 12:42
Hi Jools.

I did an IQ test yesterday and I got 118. lol. Suppose thats quite good. lol. Have you done an IQ test? I have panic attacks, so how come my IQ is quite low? Although I wasn't really thinking when I did it because I did it at about 1am this morning!

x x

18-05-06, 13:01
Mine has held at 134 consistently over the past couple of years. I too have often wondered about whether intelligence (of the IQ type) makes us more vulnerable to this type of illness. It would be interesting to see if there is any evidence that people with a very low IQ ever suffer from it. I'm betting ignorance is bliss.

I made a decision a while ago to stop driving myself intellectually and be more chilled and spiritual about life. I figured I'd give my head a break and allow myself to be dopey and forgetful but happy! Seems to be working. I'm happy to say that my memory is cr4p now and I allow myself to make mistakes (unlike before).

Eeb x

19-05-06, 02:48
Mine was 134 in school but I can't find an aussie site to test it again One site was talking about quarters as in money. Stuffed if I know.

Don't believe everything you think.

19-05-06, 20:05
Well what can i say except I am not a genius, have just been trained to think. I think you all have some part of the answer, this horrible thing that afflicts us must have a root cause, we know that the majority of the symptons though they seem life threatining at the time cannot hurt us. we also know that we have to train ourselves not suffer from the illness or its symptoms. Therefore I think that as has been said in different ways during this thread, there is a link between the illness and our thought processess. Like eeby Jeeby I to chilled out and looked at life from different angles, this gave me the room (in my mind) to face up to my problems with the illness and to be clinical in the way I thought of them, therefore i was able to resolve most of troubles, and get my sense of humour back.


19-05-06, 22:53
I tried doing the test but it wouldn't give me the result - so much for all thetime I spent on it! How do you get the result without having to pay?
Doesn't say much for my IQ that does it!


'This too will pass'