View Full Version : Experiencing the sweats!

13-09-11, 09:01
Hi everyone,

I've been back on citalopram since Wednesday. Have been taking it din the early evening as opposed to mornings, like last time.

I've been reletively lucky with side effects this time around when it coms nausia and fainting. I've had stomach trouuble but not as bad this time around.

However, since saturday, I've had the sweats on and off. I can get chilly sometimes but, if i (i@m)'m moving about, doing anything at all, I break out in a sweat and feel very hot.

I'm know this is normal as I had trouble with body temperature the last time around. I think last for about two, three weeks for me.

Has anyone had this experience?



13-09-11, 12:32
Yup this happenend to make in the fist couple of weeks-and I remember asking about this on here and about 3 people said same had happened to them. I had more of a problem with the chills kept on shivering but I did sweat as well and would have heat rushes-Its all part of the side effects !!Im in week 6 now of cit and still wake up with a sweat sometimes but at least the chills have gone !! Good luck buddy x

13-09-11, 18:15
Cheers hyg; I doubt they'll last for more then just a few weeks. I'm just not paying much attention to them It helps to know why I'm having the sweats, that way, I don't need to get anxious about that :-)

13-09-11, 21:51
Hi Justin,
I found I was waking in a sweat because of anxiety in the night. Even before starting cit.
Hope ur ok

13-09-11, 21:57
I would mention any side effects to your doctor just so they know :)

14-09-11, 17:47
Thanks guys, I will. Must say the sweats are better today. Had few of those episodes. However, that's being replaced with major drowsiness. I've been increasingly getting drowsey is morning since last fri. Today was the worst. However, that's one side effect I'm not gonna complain about lol. After what I've been through over the last couple of months, I suspect my body really needs this.

I'm making a diary on symptoms to tell my doctor when i see him in a bout two weeks.